Just time to squeeze in a bit of pink before the weekend! I've not been up to much craft wise this week as I've been busy helping at school making giant papier mache models for the children's parade that opens Brighton Festival next weekend - all very exciting! The festival really is one of the highlights of the year in Brighton - street festival, theatre, dance, music, literature and lots of art. Will write more about it next week.

I have managed to find time to make some more corsages, you can see them better here (Yippee I think I've done my first link and I know a certain teenager who's going to be very proud of me!).
The garden is beginning to really bloom and I'm so excited and pleased to see my first peony flower. Apart from being pink (which always gains bonus points in my book) this plant was taken from our close friends' garden last year. They had to move house unexpectedly and leave their beautiful garden behind, so for this flower to have survived its move and bloom has added to its beauty for me! Plants given to you by friends always have so much more meaning. A gorgeous plant from very special people.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, that's a gorgeous color of peony!
Mine are white with pink edges and won't be blooming for a few more weeks.
I transplanted a soft pink peony a couple of years ago, but it hasn't produced blooms yet...maybe this year (hope hope) :)
Oh this is such a pretty peony! I agree the move makes it more beautiful and remarkable. I also love the roze chintz dish you show on the first photo. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
What a gorgeous Peony! they are one of my favorite flowers...so many petals!
Love your corsages!
can't wait to get my purple corsage/pin - thanks again! i love peonies!!! we have one in our front garden but for some reason it stopped blooming. i'm hoping maybe it will this year. it is/was a really pretty soft shabby pink =) debbie
What a stunning Peony! Peonies were my Grandmother's favorite, as they are my Mom's, and mine! I guess that runs in my family! =) Beautiful corsage, Kim!!!
Your peony is beautiful, Kim! I totally agree that a plant from a friend's garden is always extra-special. You asked what I was going to do with my treasures ... most will probably be arranged in a display with the rest of my collection and a few pieces may end up being used in a project or two. Enjoy your weekend! ♥
How clever! I have never seen fabric corsages before, so much better becuase it lasts!! Those peonies are lovely, we can't grow them in California, and I long to havea agrden full of them...
Gorgeous corsarges and that peony is just beautiful.
Alison x
The peony is just beautiful, what a wonderful shade of pink. Like your corsages too. I hope your daughter has a wonderful time at her party this weekend.
You have a real knack with colour - an artists eye? Mary
Pink Wonderful Pink .... love it!!
The festival sounds great, I'd love to know more, I'm only down the coast a bit, it souuds like great fun for the family!
best wishes Ginny
I am so glad you are offering your beautiful corsages on Etsy!!! I just put my order in. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!
Both pink flowers are gorgeous!
beautiful flowers...the real and the crafty ones!
Cute corsages! I'm admiring the chintzware plate too...
I love pink and think that you can never have too much of it! Pretty peony and corsage. Enjoy your weekend.
Georgeous corsages and a gorgeous peony! Can't wait to hear more about the festival!
I love peonies and we're so lucky that our local nursery has the national collection. I'm looking forward to going to view them all as we moved here too late to see them last year.
Thanks for the shoes tip Kim - all done, walking up and down the garden yesterday but when I posted they were more or less fresh out of the box!!!!
Sue x
PS - meant to say the pink corsage is wonderful! Mine is still attached to my bag, where it is probably going to stay all summer!! Love it.
Sue x
Hi Kim,
thankyou for commenting on my blog. I do hope that you and your family will make it down to Cornwall again soon.
All of your corsages are beautiful, I couldn't choose which one is my favourite. I feel that a red, white and blue corsage, may be just what I need to adorn my regatta bag for the summer (yes I have a bag just for regatta days!).
Victoria x
Your corsages are absolutely beautiful!
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