No school. No work. No pavements. Just SNOW!
Some mornings are special. Some mornings you wake up and feel like a child.
Some mornings you wake up and gaze out of the window and see a scene that you long for each Christmas.
Some mornings you turn on the radio listen, fingers crossed, for the list of school closures and realise that the weekend just got longer ...
Some mornings you bounce out of the house, Monday morning or not.
Some mornings the blanketing silence of snowfall is disturbed only by the sound of my shrieks as I am dragged down the hill on a sledge by Mr Roses and the laughter of my daughters as they follow behind on theirs.
Some mornings you get a glimpse of an everyday world that is somehow transformed.
Some mornings the world is seen through fresh eyes -
pawmarks in the mud become treasures in the snow.
Some mornings you make new friends.
Some mornings you want to share with others ...
lovely pictures - we had snow but school still open so very disappointed children here :-D
Lesley x
Love the rosey snow man/women?
My niece was so sad she had to go to school....but we did get 30 mins in the snow this not all bad!xxx
Delightful post, Kim! Do I detect an air of excitement wafting from the Ragged Household? I LOVE the rosey-mouthed snowlady! =) Have fun!
A lovely post, and love the title. My son is at school today even though all the others are closed in town. Will pick him up soon though to enjoy the snow x
Lovely photographs.
Schools all seem to be open here and I had to go to work this morning. Pah! Although nearly got trapped at work because the trains were cancelled on the way back.
Your lovely post has summed up the day perfectly. We are feeling exactly the same in this household, Pj
That snow lady made me smile! We made a snowman earlier but he wasn't every good. Glad to hear you are having such fun :)
Mel xxx
My son's school was closed today and after a day of snowball fights and making snowmen he declared it his best day EVER!!! I am loving your floral mouthed snowman!!!
That is just how I've felt today too!
and some mornings some of us have to go to school while some husbands stay at home because their school is I am not bitter...really...because some of us have been given tomorrow off Yippeeeee I have a date in my sanctuary with some fabric and my new sewing machine.....
We made a lady too, too many snowmen in the world :)
Magical! That's an innovative use of roses! It really has been a fabulous day hasn't it? Thanks for putting it into words and pics so well.
It was snow good!
Hahaha!!! I LOVE your ragged roses snowman!!! I'm amazed that you had enough snow for a snowman and I'm SO excited for you! Sounds like you've had a great time!
Such a great snowy Monday, schools open here but we still managed to fit in some fun.
Lovely post and words.
Your day looks much the same as ours - wasn't it magical?
what a fun morning, and a glamourous snowlady xx
I love your snowman!
Lisa x
thank you for sharing - snow brings out the child in most of us I think
lisa x
LOL sweet snow person with a fluffy flowers mouth :)
I love you picture of your snow Lady!
I am really sorry Kim I have got your thank you note to send you but I have lost your address, I have looked everywhere, I am so annoyed for losing it I seem to be getting worse, old age I think!
If you could email it to me please, sorry to be a pain in the bum! :0)
Love Lou xxx
Is there room on that toboggan for another one?
Is there room on that toboggan for another one?
That is the most beautiful snow-woman--love her scarf and rosy smile! Lots of snow there...looks just like here--LOL! Keep warm and enjoy a little semi-hibernation when you can. :o) ((HUGS))
Oh man that snowlady is just the best I have seen...
Loving your snowperson - although we've got about a foot of white stuff here I will not be going out there although lovely man has made me a mini snow person outside the kitchen window. He does these things because he loves me! As I do him.
can really feel your excitement - it was a wonderful snowy day wasn't it? Glad you were able to enjoy it all x
It's so wonderful isn't it? I love that snowman smile.
I had a great snow day yesterday, back to work today unfortunately!
Was nice to not have to leave the house for a whole day and just stay cosy and warm.
Victoria xx
Lovely Kim, this snow fall has made so many people happy.
We were so lucky to arrive home from holiday early on Sunday morning...we could have been stranded at the airport with flights cancelled! not good.
I felt so excited when I saw how much snow we were getting, normally it disapears as soon as it lands.
Enjoy this fun time.
Carol xxx
Lovely, snowy photos - but you can keep the snow over on your side of the pond!
I had a lovely time scrolling down through some of your recent posts and truly enjoyed the colour - such a pleasure on a grey morning.
What lovely snowy photos, no snow here..yet!
What lovely pictures! Thank you so much for sharing them. I'm very jealous of your snowlady and her gorgeous scarf!
Take care,
That is the most beautiful snow lady I have ever seen!!
Glad you all shared a lovely day together-now please send some of that snow my way!!xxx
And thankyou for sharing another great post with us. Your cat looks amazed - is it the first time she/he's seen snow?
Fantastic piccies! Hope you all had lots and lots of fun ... :0)
Isn't it wonderful...such fun for children (and grown-ups!)
We haven't had as much snow as you, unfortuately...but everywhere does look sparkling.
Margaret and Noreen
Tee Hee Kim!
Yes as your local representative I declare that we will have snow all next week and that no school should open!
Shall I get the gritters to put some grit on those steps, ours down to school (you know, the secret steps!) were a death trap today. Moan moan grumble!
Thanks for sharing your snow with me. I wish we had that much snow but ours looks like a sprinkling of fairy dust. It does make the world seem like a magical place. I love the sound of know that special quiet that you only hear when a white blanket covers the ground. Are the girls back at school now?
Hugs ~
Thanks for sharing - such a beautiful post..!
This reminds me of the saying:
"we don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing" true..:)
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