Monday, 21 March 2011

This Week - Good Morning Monday!

The perfect full stop to a sunny Spring weekend. Wall to wall sunshine. Time for some gardening, spring cleaning, catching up with some old friends over a glass or two. The gentleness of a Spring Sunday that allows you to nurse a hangover, spend time together, do some more gardening, get the homework out of the way. Open all the windows and let the sunshine in.

In short, the kind of weekend that makes you not mind about airing your washing in public!


Lisa said...

Isn't it great getting the washing out on the line under blue skies.
Lisa x

Petit Filoux said...

It was beautiful wasn't it?

charl said...

sounds like the perfect weekend to me..
sunshine just makes everything feel happier doesnt it!

June said...

It was a lovely weekend - Spring is here! It's official!

The Vintage Knitter said...

Long may it continue!

Ally Jay said...

Glad to see you got a bit of sunshine.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

You can't beat the smell of washing that has been hung out to dry! It was a lovely weekend indeed. It feels good knowing that Spring is here at last.
Isabelle x

LinenandRoses said...

It was such a beautiful weekend wasn't it. We even had our first picnic! Lovely to see washing on the line in the sunshine.