Both my daughters are back at school today after a week of sickness. As soon as one recovered, the other came down with it. What with my cough and sore throat, the sickness and temperatures that the girls have had, I'm surprised that there's Calpol still left on the shelves. Fingers crossed that that it is it for now and we can have a relatively germ free runup to Christmas. As much as I don't like going shopping at Christmas this imposed exile from all things Christmassy has left me a little stir crazy. Yesterday found me emptying my box of buttons, gluing them onto a wreath whilst watching Freaky Friday for 100th time - I need to get out!
A quick dash to the post office and a walk to the fabric shop was more than enough for me. It doesn't take long for us to get use to the cosiness of home and I do feel a bit bad after moaning so much about needing to get out this week that I made such a hasty retreat to my front door. Christmas shopping will have to wait till next week. The Christmas tree is being decorated this weekend, all the windows are open ready for the Christmas cheer but any germs wishing to join us will not be welcome.
Hope you all have a happy, healthy and cheery weekend.
just found your blog and loved your photo of the balls of yarn in the reminded me of my photo of the bird's nest I found in our Christmas tree one year that I put 3 little blue eggs in, one for each of our daughters. This year I added some vintage mercury glass tiny balls around the eggs to give them some sparkle. Please stop by and visit my blog, "From the Nest". I love England and have been there over a dozen of my Nana's was from London.
I hope you are all feeling a little better today, maybe with your germs you should have been watching Saturday Night Fever instead. Oh no, just looked out of the window and it is raining yet again, how can you find incentive to go out in that! x
I am glad to hear both DD are back to good health. That is never easy and then have one better only to find the other now has caught it...
I know what you mean about Christmas shopping. Just a little busy is too busy for me. I have mine done and the last box is ready to be taped and addressed to ship back to the US. I even have 4 online friends birthdays this month to get a little something out to. Oh and your family's surprise is going to the post office tomorrow too. I am lucky that DH will always take on that task for me. :)
Do you use a real tree since? I have mine up too long to use real any longer. We decided when there were no longer needles left on the tree, it was time to change to a fake tree.
Hope you will have a wonderful weekend! It is very stormy here in Holland so I am afraid we are staying home instead of going to Cranberry Cottage. I don't really mind as there is much to do here anyway.
~~ Heidi ~~
Glad you are all on the mend. ours is a house of germs too.
Love the button wreath!
French Knots
Kim, I hope you are feeling even better today. It has been so busy here that I haven't done any Christmas shopping and barely decorated. Hopefully we can do that this weekend. Take care of yourself and don't let those germs back in!
Hi Kim! I hope everyone is feeling better at your house. That sounds like the same thing I had! All that's left for me is a lingering cough which I hope will go away SOON! Your button wreath is adorable! This year I share your sentiments about Christmas shopping ... I HAVE to go to the mall ~ just once ~ but I'm dreading it. I'm hoping that if I go early in the morning, it won't be too bad. I've made a promise to myself that next year I will be more organized, make more of my gifts and buy everything else online. Glad I finally had a chance to catch up with you! Hope you have a great weekend. ~ hugs, Lynda xo
Glad you're all on the mend.
This weekend is D-Day for us too (Decorating Day, that is!)
Hi Kim, glad everyone is better now, we seem to have escaped the germs so far in our household, fingers crossed! I bet you had fun making that button wreath, it's very pretty. I've never seen Freaky Friday, don't even know what it's about - do you think I need to get out more?
Have a good weekend.
Hi Kim, sorry to hear you've all been yucky, it took me a couple of weeks to shift the cold, but at last I have! (I think the sea air helped though!) I love your wreath too, I am madly trying to collect buttons at the moment to try out some new bracelet ideas. I went into Oxfam in St Ives as thought it would be a good hunting ground. They had a fabulous cigar box full of buttons...that were 20p EACH!! Needless to say I didn't bother. Think Rob may start to find the bottom button from each work shirt disappearing..heehee
I love your wreath. Did you use a polystyrene base? Hope you have a germ free few days. I have been known to swig from a bottle of calpol myself in emergencies!
Cathy XX
Oooh cabin fever is horrid Kim, even when you have a beautiful home. Its so true, absence makes the heart grow fonder and you appreciate it all the more for a little break away. Hurrah for Calpol, nectar of the gods!
Glad to hear the girls are better, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that those germs don't reach my house, we've got away with it so far but often the day I stop work for a couple of weeks they strike! Love that button wreath....simple and effective. Have a lovely weekend.
Gill x
p.s little package on it's way!
I have to say I LOVE your bottom photo--I adore all that white serenity of the bird, cupboard and heart...very dreamy. Enjoy the tree trimming and hall decking! We plan on a little decorating too, we're a bit minimal though--we don't decorate ALL the hall--LOL! Hope very much you all keep weel to enjoy this happy time of year. Happy weekend to you all ((HUGS))
Hi Kim,
I do know exactly how you feel - I was starting to suffer cabin-fever....but at the end of the day, 'there's no place like home'.
Hope you and the family all feel much better and have a lovely weekend.
Love the little button wreath that you made - and that sweet little cupboard is so adorable.
Niki x
Glas that you are feeling better.
Spray some Lavender oil diluted in water into the air to kill off anything that may be hanging around!
Can't wait to see your tree!
Hello Kim
It must be a blessed relief to say goodbye to the horrible lurgy! Today was my first proper day out for over a week and I couldn't wait to scuttle back to the peace and sanctuary of my welcoming home.
I must just say.. your ideal Christmas lunch is what I should have requested.. my kind of food!
I hope you feel revived and raring to go next week.. Have a lovely Sunday.. germ free!
i just love your button wreath, its gorgeous!!
hope by the time you read this you are feeling better!
leannne x
Stir Crazy is my mantra of the moment having had some sort of virus for the last week! Much as I love my home I could really identify with how you are feeling. Must be even worse if you feel ok yourself! Hope all is well now and that you get yourself up to scratch for Christmas!
Hope you have gotten a good bit of rest and are feeling better.
The button wreath is so sweet!
Snow finally arrived at our place this week! Thanks for all of your good wishes
Oh, sorry to hear you've all been feeling rotten, Kim - we're just heading into it I think. I've been rough for a couple of days and now my older daughter has streaming eyes and a hacking cough. I could do without the sickness though ...
I love your wreath and hope the Christmas prep now goes without a hitch!
I adore that advent calender...
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