Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my last post. I am finally feeling better after a week of shivering, aching, coughing and spluttering. On our way to school this morning Little Sister commented on how fast the journey was - I suddenly realised that we had been walking at quite some pace and not the limp dragging of feet that I'd been doing all week, trying to muster up the energy to get up and down the hill. A beautiful sunny morning greeted us today, a deceptively sunny morning if you ask me. No sooner had we walked down the garden steps than the crisp chill of an Autumnal morning hit us, maybe that's why we walked a little faster as well, either way we certainly had a spring in our step which is not bad considering it's the end of the week.
To all of you who very kindly sang my praises in the last post, I want to say thank you, I blushed when I read your comments. It really was a joy and a privilege to spend so much time with so many lovely people - girls who were embracing their age, not trying to be any older than their years, it really was as if being outside had stripped them of any need to pretend to be anything other than themselves... To spend time in a magical place that we really love was no hardship, we felt as if we had gone on holiday! Mr Ragged Roses and I wandered off by ourselves on long walks (that doesn't happen very often), we sat in a gloriously sunny field and read the papers and books whilst around us the girls ran wild and I have to say that the enthusiasm and energy of a bunch of teenage girls is very infectious!
Now at the end of a week when all things seem to have fallen by the wayside I feel as if I need to do a serious amount of catching up. I am walking around the house with the equivalent of blinkers, looking forwards only as any glance sideways reveals another pile of clothes, books, sewing, washing, dust (oh yes the sun is merciless in showing me the dust) that I have ignored all week. Apologies for not getting round to as many blogs as usual these past few days but I am trying to catch up. One thing I can tick off my list is the winner for the Persephone book - Willow, your name was pulled from the hat this morning by Little Sister. Hope you like the book as much as I did. I shall keep my eye out for other Persephone books when I'm rummaging around and see if I can offer anymore, I wish I could send a copy to everyone who wanted one!
Anyway I must be off, hope you all have a great weekend, full of fun and games.
Lovely post, hope your feeling much better now, I know just what you mean about the chill, I walk out the door in crocs then rush back in for my boots and socks....its here the 'Chill in the air' Have a great weeekend
Good that your back to your young self!
Love the owl mug...wonderful!
Have a super weekend!xx
Glad you are feeling better... these horrid colds are going around at the moment. My daughter has just recovering from one but her partner has now caught it and was feeling very sorry for himself when I spoke to him yesterday!!
Thank you for your recent comments on my blog. Glad you liked the wand... it was given to me by my daughter to help cheer me up and get me through a difficult time, she thought it may bring me better luck... I do believe its magic made a difference. It means a lot to me as it was given with love and care and I will always treasure it.
Hope you have a great weekend... and don't worry about the dust and stuff! You will soon catch up! My Mum always tells me not to worry about the housework, it will still be their when I am gone... (cheerful thought!!) but guess she has a point!!
Take Care,
Jane xxx
I've left a late birthday message for big sis on the other pist, sorry it's late honey-pie, lifes just crazy here.
Glad you're feeling better. That flaming lurgy is havinga go at me, but i won't let it win lol
Have a wonderful weekend sweetie.
Well done to Willow for winning the book.
Many hugs,
I'm on the last couple of pages of the Lovely Bones and don't want it to end :(
Catherine x
It is glorious today Kim, we should be out on that walk!
Glad to hear you have your spring back, I had to actually resort to writing a TO DO list yesterday as nothing was getting done this week.
Enjoy your weekend me dear.
Hi Kim
Glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean about the sun, it does show up every speck of dust but;
“Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow,
For babies grow up, I’ve learned, to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep.”
Author Unknown
Have a good weekend
K x
Oh Kim, just caught up and found that I won your book!!!! I'm so thrilled .. I never win anything! I'm so excited, as I have never read any Persephone books, but after reading your reviews, they sound 'right up my street'! Thank you so, so much! will email you right now!
Willow xxx
(p.s. so sorry you have the lurgy .. I had it last week and felt rotten .. be kind to yourself and ignore the dust!)
Gosh is that you looking so 1940's/50's. It's good to hear you're feeling better. It was a nippy morning for the walking to school bit today. Autumn is definately here. Rosie had a friend over last night and the foxes were screeching at the top of their voices. Frightened our poor little visitor out of her wits. It is quite an unearthly sound I suppose.
Hope you are feeling completely recovered in time for the weekend.
So pleased that you enjoyed The Orchard posts, orchards are lovely places to be, especially old ones, and picking apples is a wonderful (if back-breaking) thing to do.
Oh forgot to ask, I was rather taken with the owl mug, where did you get it?
Yes the mornings here are somewhat crisper too, I met with two lovely blogging friends, I believe you may have done the same, it is very special isn't it when you meet a fellow blogger, feel like you know them so much yet have never met them :)
I am a fan of the mug too, it is wondrous
Mary X
Lovely to know your bounce is back...
SO much so .. that you appear to have taken up golf?!
Enjoy these precious golden days.. with a definite nip in the air.. but most welcome in my opinion..any excuse to light a fire!
Much love
I am so glad to hear you are feeling much better! I have to say I adore the autumn sunshine but not how much it shows the dust in our place too!! Now that T is working several days a week with me and my manager is off we just do not feel like dusting come the end of the day (or the weekend for that matter lol). So all I can say is - I'll wear those blinkers with you :o)
Good tohear that you are feeling better. Totally adore the owl cup, so sweet. Also love the shot of the wellies from the previous post, speaks of fun and innocence.
I will be thinking of you...catching up! I must say Kim, you have given me the courage to get out and camp when the weather is not always so kind. We have put Nigella to bed for the next two months - I couldn't go anyway, like this! talking to Nige last night we are going to plan our first camp for very early Spring, just go for it - with small heater of some sort though...lol
Enjoy the weekend with your beautiful girls.
Carol x
re. Cicely.
This is a name that I have kept secret and thankfully so far has not become popular. (lets keep it that way) said in a hushed voice.
Clare x
Hi Kim,
Good to hear that you are feeling better and full to the brim with lots of happy memories.
Life seems to be a constant game of catch-up now-a-days, doesn't it? I'm sure things weren't this bad a decade or so ago....
Have a wonderful weekend and ignore the dust!
Niki x
Glad you're feeling better, Kim! Enjoy your weekend!
Glad you're feeling better! x
As usual, lovely post Kimxx
I hope this finds you feeling much better, you wrote a nice post, hope your weekend is going nicely. I invite you to come visit my posts.
I would make a considered and thoughtful comment, if I wasn't so distracted by the awsomeness of your mug!
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I think so many of us has bad colds right now and they are no fun. It has been an amazing autumn up to now. I think it is so nice that you can walk through a park to take your DDs to school. What a treat to start the day!
Hugs ~
Glad you are feeling better Kim. i loved your post on big sis' birthday outing. I do hope she had a fabulous time and that she has a great year too.
Rosie x
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. The woodsy birthday party seems like it was just wonderful. How much fun to camp in a Yurt! Great posts. Thanks for sharing the camping photos!
As you can imagine, the pooch lover that I am fell in love with that retro image at the top of the post...
Hi Kim,
I'm glad to read that you are feeling so much better. Now it's my turn with the sniffles and the shivers!
Marie x
Hope you are feeling fit and healthy again and enjoying the autumnal sunshine.
Love the owl mug, so unusual.
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