Well there's no stopping the seasons once they set their mind to it. Last night I collected Little Sister from her dance class. Two weeks earlier we enjoyed a leisurely stroll back up the hill in golden sunshine, as we climbed the hundred or so steps to our home we watched the shafts of gentle sunlight stream through the turning leaves on the trees above our heads. A fortnight later and last night we dashed up the hill, huddled under an umbrella, the only light coming from the old victorian streetlamps that lit our way. Not only was it cold and wet, it was DARK! That happened quickly didn't it?!
So whilst the days are shortening the evenings lengthen and our daily routines slowly change too. I do love walking outside in the evening, wrapped up warm enjoying the little vignettes of daily life coming from windows, fires burning, people snuggled on the sofa or in the kitchen preparing something warm for supper. I love the view from Big Sister's window at night, an entire hillside of shimmering light, rows of houses banked up towards the sea - how little that view has changed across the years.
However what I really love about the evenings at this time of year is drawing the curtains on the outside and enjoying the cosiness of home. Of course in the mornngs when the shock of a frost or chill hits you as you open the front door, the temptation to stay put can be a tad too overwhelming. But what comes hand in hand with all these changes?
Different clothes, different colours and different textures. I love dressing for this time of year. Our coat hooks in the hall seem to be permanently laden with a variety of scarves, hats, bags and coats. The pinks and greens that I love so much in the summer, deepen in the Autumn. Whilst I can't always afford a new coat, I can always find a scarf or brooch to mix in with what I've got.
This little babushka brooch I found at the car boot a couple of weeks ago and she seems to look so much better on colder days than on the very hot day I found her.
My old ragged bag that I made years ago comes out religiously every year for a little outing around now. She looks great against a dark green coat I have and a bright hat - well I won't tell you how many woolly hats we girls have in this house, I think Big Sister breeds them in her bedroom.
When I was little whenever my Aunt would visit she would bring an old tin of brooches for me to play with. At this time of year I always think of her, perhaps the magpie in me comes from her.
So last night when we were scurrying back from the dance class what made it a little better was this lovely old umbrella that I found in a junk shop the other week. It is so pretty and feminine and flouncy. It has however been kidnapped by Big sister who promises faithfully that she will not lose it at school, leave it behind in the science lab, drama studio or art room, I fear its days are numbered ...
I'm glad I'm not the only who is thinking that the nights have very suddenly gone dark. To me it felt like it literally happened over night. Or to be more precise, over the weekend. On Friday I was driving home in daylight and on Monday I needed the headlights on because there was no sun at all. But I do love the cosiness of dark nights and I love winter clothes, especially all the scarves and hats. Simon is not so keen on the season and suggested to me last night that it would be a good idea if we just hibernated in bed for the entire winter with lots of books and dvds and toast and marmite to sustain us. Not a bad idea actually!
It has gone dark very suddenly. I love bundling up to go in winter, hats, scarves, gloves, boots and snuggly jumpers.
April xx
I really enjoyed your post today....such lovely pictures!
The brooch is wonderful......xx
What a beautiful brooch. The nights are drawing in and we have the clocks going back to look forward to as well! Still it is a good excuse to light a fire and snuggle into the sofa with a glass of wine and some knitting.
Hi Kim,me again! Thanks for your lovely comment. Actually, given my recent bad news with the job I'm feeling even more inclined to hibernate with marmite and toast!
Hi Kim,
The brooch is beautiful and illustrates the changing colours of autumn perfectly. I love the texture in our clothing at this time of year and layers ( and layers!) of colours.
snap! i have an almost identical umbrella... it was my mother in laws and even when it is pelting down with rain this umbrealla always seems to keep me cheerful.
Have a lovely week,
with love Ginny x
I love the colours of your scarves and wooly hats - and the green & pink beads are gorgeous. Maybe Winter is not so dreary a thought after all!
Willow x
I also love dressing for this time of year. I would hate to say how many hats and scarves i have.I love the brooch!
I love your floral brooch, it's so pretty. I couldn't agree more with the hats and scarves and bundling up in winter to keep warm, there is something so comforting in that.
You know me Kim, its my favourite time of year too. Gorgeous brollie, how on earth did you manage to let a young lady borrow it, I couldnt possible let it out of my sight!
Hope you are enjoying this evenings sun, should set beautifully later.
Lovely photos, and wonderful words of the new season!
The dark nights have certainly come quickly here too. I am still shocked that we have got to the stage of the year where the clocks are soon to go back. Erm where has 2008 gone?
I've got to brave the cupboard under the stairs and unearth all the hats, scarves and gloves. Because it feels like we're going to be in need of them.
Your photos made me smile, they are so happy!
We have the hour change next weekend, and I dont like the dark evenings.
The flowery brooch with the dagly bits is gorgeous - just love it!
Your brooches are all gorgeous! There will be no new coat for me this winter but I am inspired to poke through the charity shops for a new brooch now.
I am loving the weather at the moment - days warm enough to get outside and dig, but night dark & chilly enough for a fire and some candles and some knitting - bliss!
Love the autumnal colours of that brooch, so pretty, well so many pretties to look at in this post.
I know what you mean about the dark, Kim! It seems that all of a sudden darkness descends around 5 pm. The upside is turning on the lamps and lighting the candles to make everying cosy inside.
What a beautiful brooch, Kim.
You can't have enough accessories as far as I'm concerned !
Lovely photos ;-)
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Goodness, there is so much to look at on yours. And all those comments! I think I have a lot to learn....
I love to visit and admire the vignettes of your life.
Cuddling up under the quilt with the candles twinkling, the best way to enjoy dark autumn evenings.
Luscious colors...we need them to cheer these darker days...So let's pile on the pretty accessories...beautiful and warming! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lovely post! I quite love walking out in the dark at this time of year. It's not that cold yet and you can see the stars and then there's all that colour and woolly warmth to enjoy. Coming home to soup after an autumn walk .... umm Scrumptious!
You have been so busy - and now you are tagged - putting down those hooks and needles and tag me back!
What a pretty post. I adore scarves and hats and brooches - thanks so much for sharing yours, lovely. Every time I get mine out it seems to warm up though. I'm enjoying the challenge of dressing up a bit more for my new job. Think I'll wear a little jewel tomorrow!
All the winter finery looks lovely. Brooches are the best aren't they, they can dress up anything, We are part way into Spring here in Australia, so I'm packing away what your unpacking for the season. Fuuny World.
Take care love your blogg,
Kathryn in the Loft
You write so beautifully.
What pretty things: the brooch especially.
I also love winter clothing - so warm & cosy.
Well Kim, I am typing this at 5.10pm and already the evening is setting in.....it does seem to happen all of a sudden and the half term always seems to be the turning point.
Love all your colourful photos though - very cheerful.
Keep warm,
I love this time of year for precisely that reason, the scarves come out and I can put my elderly limbs away - hurrah! Oh, and it's also the best time of year for early evening nosy parker walks.
Julia xx
Hello Kim... as I sit and type this, it is far too early in the evening to be as dark and damp as it is outside... I lit the fire in the woodstove over an hour ago (and I am going through the firewood hubby chopped for this evening far too early)... and I put supper on a bit too late and now we are getting the munchies waiting for it (pork & applesauce). Now if it were summertime, we'd not even think of having the munchies at this hour of the day! lol
Well.. C & C are fashionably late again...!
I am very disorientated this year.. as we didn't really have any thing resembling a summer I keep thinking that the weather is about to get warmer.. a bit of a shock stepping out of bed this morning to discover it is COLD!
However.. I do love this time of year and all that it brings.. the ever changing palette of colours, the crisp mornings and hot mugs of cocoa..
Beautiful post as ever...
Gorgeous umbrella... enough to make you want to go out in the rain!
I am on the lookout for a warm winter coat this year. In my last job I drove to work, so I didn't need one. With my new job in Worthing I catch the train, so I envisage some really cold mornings and evenings ahead. You have reminded me to keep on the lookout for some snazzy scarfs and glove sets, I really like the woollens you have hanging on your pegs. x
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