On a scale of one to ten, Friday mornings must rank at 8 I reckon. Saturday and Sunday mornings of course score top points and Monday I'm afraid gets 'Nul points" in this household. Friday mornings, everybody's tired and weary and the last day of the week seems almost insurmountable but there is a lightness to it too isn't there knowing that the promise of the weekend is just a few hours away.
It's been a strange old week here with the Ragged Roses. A Snakes and Ladders sort of week, I've been feeling out of sorts, Big sister has been very poorly and off school, Little Sister has been having to cope with some not so nice goings on at school, M has been having one of those weeks at work and so it will be good to draw a line under the last few days and look forward to the next.
One of Little Sister's favourite books is by Allan Ahlberg from the Happy families series, "Ms Cliff the Climber". She use to love the repetitiveness of it and the story of Ms Cliff the Climber, her life and children. Just like Ms Cliff's favourite hobby, climbing, her life has its ups and downs, its ins and outs, its rounds and rounds and its tangles. The same for all families, but I do not want this post to be down, it's Friday and after my flitting and dithering around at the beginning of the week I have done some sewing and dreams that have been floating around in my head are slowly, slowly coming to fruition.
I found this old piece of linen during the summer (if you click on the image it should enlarge), It had a stain on it but I have managed to clean it up. I am in love with it. I was going to make it into a cushion but have decided to frame it to put in the kitchen or next to the computer. It isn't hard sometimes when we walk across the Downs to imagine scenes like this, it's nostalgic and whimsical of course but all the better for it. I can just imagine a little blanket lying just to one side with their sandwiches, cakes and drinks and how they will tumble off down the hill home again with their cheeks flushed from the sunshine. There is a farm near here that has a seesaw very similar to that and the fun my two have had on it (well make that three, when nobody's looking I have jumped on a few times, just to stop Little Sister from flying off, you understand!). So yes more ups and downs I suppose.
I like to imagine that those two little girls at the top of the plank have realised that it's Friday too ...
Enjoy your weekend
That sums up the Friday feeling so very well!
Love your blog...so bright n cheerful...love the ck tins!
Adore the linen....see saws are such fun!
Hope everyone is feeling back on track soon.....sorry for your school upsets and hope the little one is better soon!!xxxxxxx
I can see why you fell in love with that vintage piece of stitchery. It is so adorable and will look great framed! Sorry this week has been a difficult one for your family. Hope Big Sister is feeling better (I am feeling sick today too and it is no fun) and hope things improve at school for Little Sister. M sounds like he needs the weekend. :) I try to look at Mondays as a sort of New Year's Day...a chance to start over.
Enjoy your weekend Kim!
Hugs ~
We have your blue apron in 'well used and biscuit making' green...but that see saw piece...it's gorgeous!
Oh Kim, I hope everyone is doing better at the Raggeds' home!
I love your coffee cup! My little boy has had one of our Charlie and Lola dvds playing in our car throughout the week, and everytime I hear those sweet children's accent, I think of you and your girls! =)
Aww its been a bit of one of those snakes and ladders weeks here too Kim. My other half also going through shite at work, and I think generally it's a muddling sort of a time for all sorts of reasons.
Here's hoping you have a lovely, restful, happy weekend. I can heartily recommend some baking, I feel happy after baking carrot cake and flapjacks today, Something so comforting about an apron on, radio paying, and baking smells.
I have to say I think Friday mornings rate almost as a nine for me. Depends on the week though. Sorry to hear you've had a difficult week. We've been fighting off very persistant and nasty colds all week so the thought of the weekend is very welcome indeed. Love the sew saw image. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
I so agree with you, like the crunchie advert that friday feeling, you can't beat it :)
My DD favourite is Peepo by the author, she probably is a little old for it now but we often read it together and I am sure Ds shall adore it too.
Hope girls are feeling more jolly, it is a friday. My DD has been made A School Council Rep for her class, my goodness she is only six, hopefully I hve brought her up with good values and she can do good for her fellow friends.
Enjoy your weekend little butterfly X
Hi Kim,
life certainly has it's ups and downs doesn't it?... but here's to the up's!
i hope you all have a lovely weekend and that it scores full marks.
with love Ginny x
hope everyone is feeling better and not so out of sorts soon. Have a lovely weekend too
Lisa x
Relaxing over the weekend with your lovely family will hopefully result in more up times next week.
Hope you are all feeling better v. soon.
Ahhh..The best time of the week 6.30pm on a Friday with the whole week-end ahead..not to mention Mr PL to help look after the children and give me a little break and 'me' time!
Hope next week brings with it a few more smiles for you all.
Jane. xx
In my family we all say TGIF (which I'm sure everyone knows stands for 'thank God it's Friday). Just saying it seems to help! Well done you for keeping cheerful by finding lovely things to make you smile about. Next week will be great, just see. All the best, Eli
Dear Kim,
oh my i have so many of your fabulous posta to catch up on.
I do hope all have a wonderful weekend and it's full of lot and lots of up's. And no down's.
Beautiful vintage linen, ust beautiful, i love the chickens, it could be Molly and Daisy when they are older. Chickens at their feet and having fun on the see-saw.
Many hugs, sweetie.
Now I'm going to catch up with the rest of your blog.
Catherine x
You're so very welcome Kim, I'm so happy tat the little butterfly tea cup and saucer has come to land in a beautiful well loved home.
And happy to have opened up some many memories for you honey.
Catherine x
Olly managed to get three boats pillowcaes and one more circus flower one!! he is so brill!!!x
Lots of ppl are doing well getting the bedding...my friend Josie has just got one from her store!!!!xx
I love your linen piece!
Hope next week is a bit better for you!
Have a great weekend,Kim!;-)
Ohhh my gosh, what cuteness!
M ^..^
I love Fridays too! It's usually the day for estate sales and I look forward to sleeping in on Saturday.
That fabric is adorable. I think it has been years since I've even seen a see saw. Must be because my youngest is 16 now. Time has flown so fast!
I am so glad that ED sent me to your blog, I do love it, all those little vignettes remind me of my childhood, my mother had an apron like your cockeral one but in red ( portuguese I think) I adore charity shopping and car boots but alas we do not have them here.I also seem to ahve the same sewing bits and 1950's cook books!
Do visit me again, stick a link to me adn I will link you.. its like discovering an old friend!
Enjoy your weekend too. I hope next week is much brighter for you and Mr RR and your little r.rosebuds.
It's foul weather here - windy and lashing rain - but at least the patch we recently got on the flat roof seems to be working. Always look on the bright side of life, tara, tara tara tara ta tidddle...
What a gorgeous piece of linen, I can see the joy on the girls faces.
Hope your week is better.
from a new reader, Andrea
Life does have a habit of feeling like a roller coaster or your charming see-saw picture.
You have a much better head for heights than I ..
I can't even sit on a swing or see saw these days without feeling a little iffy...
May next week be more of an even keel for you all and a gentle path to some happier days..
Love D xx
I'd really like to go on a see-saw again - and a swing - and a helter-skelter. Lovely piece of embroidery.
Enjoy your weekend - recharge those batteries.
What a fantastic piece of embroidery Kim! I love teeter totters too! And Alan Ahlberg was one of my favorites when the kids were growing up. Once, on a trip to Oxford, I managed to get a copy of a story about a teddy bear (darn it, I can't remember the name) and we LOVED that story. I was SO sad (yet so lucky) because it was never offered here in the states so my friends could get it!
What a beautiful piece of embroidery you found. I think it seem's very 'you!' I agree it will look lovely framed...I think I'd put it in the kitchen where it can be enjoyed whilst doing the washing up perhaps!
I hope your little one is feeling better and you're all enjoying a good weekend, even with this atrocious weather.
Deb xx
I love the linen, it reminds me of the illustrations in the childrens book I read when I was little - books that had probably been my mum's.
I think we all feel the same here about Monday mornings - although I'm not at work until wednesday, Alex has to go to school and Andy to work - leaving us girls here alone.
Hope you all have a better week next week,
Kim McB xx
We've had a couple of weeks like that so I know exactly how you feel. The children are so tired after school and I do wonder, for the thousandth time, why we have to put so much pressure on small children when it's the only time in their lives that they have the freedom to really enjoy themselves. Hope you had a good weekend, the rain never stopped here so it's been a fire lit, snuggle in couple of days.
Julia xx
I hope you're all feeling a little better now. Hope little sister is getting school life sorted out. School presents some hard lessons sometimes doesn't it? I love that little piece of stitchery it could almost be out of an Enid Blyton book. When life was simple.....
I love see saws... can't tear me away.
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