First of all, I really must apologise for not catching up with your blogs lately - it has been a time of much tail chasing, sewing and more tail chasing. I hope next week to be a good blogger and do some reading of the blogging kind and reply to some comments that have been hanging for far too long - sorry.
Anyway, last week, on the way back from the post office, I popped into a favourite shop for a rummage. Sitting amongst some bits and pieces, bottom up, I saw this box. If I tell you it was covered in roses, a little bit the worse for wear, tattered and ragged around the edges, you'll know why I was interested. A Ragged Roses box if ever I saw one! I dithered for a while and then, what clinched it, was, on opening the lid, the first thing I saw amongst all its treasures was this:
Surely a sign if ever there was! A very old card game that allowed me to play Agony Aunt/Fortune Teller/general wise one all in one go.
Now let me see ... What does the weekend have in store for me:
click on photo to enlarge
... oh well. But wait, all is not lost, look at this:
And for those of you who would like to know a bit more about me:
Well I do live near the beach ....
Guess I'm asking too many questions!!
There were piles of things in my little box (bad sign, I'm already calling it mine!) One of our favourite games, we Roses love games, was a vintage edition of Muggins. We bought the new version of this a couple of Christmas' ago and love it. But there is something so much nicer about finding older games. The packaging, the graphics, the smell of the boxes, the absence of plastic, imagining who else has sat round the table playing with them ...

There were books too. This gorgeous book which must be about a hundred years old with a poorly cover that won't photograph nicely. I think it has been republished, and is worth a hunt.

"The Little Girl's Sewing Book" edited by Flora Klickmann is full of little projects to keep you busy, furnishings for dolly's house, curtains for dolly's cottage window, lambkins bag, perambulator cover, and wonderful old advertisements. A treasure.

As if that wasn't enough - another book with lots of little projects. As a self-confessed non-knitter, the cover of this book had me captivated. Thankfully I don't really need to know how to knit a cardigan for my tennis matches, a complete hiking outfit, a jumper for a dog or harness for a puppy, but what I know you ladies will all love is this:

- a matching jumper to go with your Union Jacks .Go on, you know you've always wanted to .... and if you ask me nicely I'll give you the pattern!
Have a great weekend
That truly was a box of delights! I would love to find something so special. Have a lovely rosey weekend!
Now that's what you call 'a box of treasure'. What an amazing find!
Have a lovely weekend
I love that tin..and all of your wonderful finds,Kim!
'Just up your street' as they say!!
Have a fun weekend ;-)
Loving your namesake box....I think that you will be very happy together! x
How strange, Posy has posted about the same box on the same day - did you see? Its a gorgeous box and that came looks charming. What a great find xx
What a brilliant find! The mind boggles at a knitted hiking outfit though!
Mel xxx
You were meant to find that tin Kim. x
OH WOW!! what a treasure box! so perfect for you! you much have squealed with delight opening it!
The games are so sweet!
You could do a blog game with picking cards for us lol!
I love LOVE the knitted Union Jack,oh I wish my knitting was up to that!!! I cant wait to see if someone knits one :o)
GTM x x x
I NEED TO GO SHOPPING WITH YOU! Or just pop down to the post office and spy on your shopping habits my dear!
You luck lucky gal - bring that game on Wednesday, you can tell me my fortune!
A real treasure box full of goodies.
Another great buy, some things are just sat waiting for us sometimes.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hahaha -- too bad you're not a knitter. That box looks just perfect for you -- what fun. And could we please have a pic of you walking down the road in your bathing dress?
what a fantastic box of treats.
Twiggy x
what a priceless find xx
What a lovely find Kim, I don’t seem to be having that much luck with treasures but you have inspired me too keep looking.
Have a lovely weekend-love Lou xxx
What a fantastic find. I love the Q and A cards - there are endless possibilities with those!!
Cathy X
It was meant for you :)
Isn't that funny! I saw this box on Posy's blog too!! It was just made for you both ... and what treasures to find inside. Have a lovely weekend in the Roses Household!
Willow x
Wll if you are wearing your bathing dress when you go down the drain at least you wont spoil your clothes!
What treasure, with the lovely old roses as a sign to rummage within.
A truly amazing find Kim - a great post! And not written by a silly ass at all! ;-))
Have fun with those games this weekend...looks like we may be confined to quarters with this weather...
Niki x
Wow. That is the best box of goodies I have seen in quite some time. Serious serious treasure Kim! I'm not sure how you contained your excitement!
What a delightful find! I love the look of those books. This afternoon someone gave me 4 copies of 'Woman' they had found in their loft, dated 1968.
Ruth x
What a cornucopia of loveliness ...
I think that Muggins game was designed with me in mind!
Are you still stuck in traffic? Don't eat all those sarnies straight away...
What a great find, I love it when that happens...and it was meant to be yours Kim. Happy weekend.
A treasure box, what a find and to have so much in it, you are one lucky person. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Oh what a wonderful box of delights, I particularly love the old books - I have an old book of crochet patterns and some of them amuse me so... I mean, wouldn't a woollen bikini shrink when wet?
ooh im so envious of your pretty finds,
that card game looks a hoot!im going to have to look for it!
and those books look soo pretty
Too funny! I love the old games & the knitting treasures.
The Roses are lovely!
Lovely to have a ramble through your posts - it's been such a long time since I last popped over. Of course you couldn't resist that tin!.....and what a good buy it was!
I hope you're really feeling better and can look forward to the true spring weather that seems to have arrived all over.
What a find - even if I never make anything out of books like that I love turning the pages and traveling through time to visit a gentler age.
Love blog with beautiful photos - as ever. Thank you.
Looks like that box was sitting there just waiting for you to find it :-).... I especially like the " silly ass " answer.... Those books are delightful too..
Lisa x
oh what a fabulous post Kim. I know I have been away far too long but thought I would see how you were doing. What treasures!!! I am truly jealous. oh and the cards and your comments had me laughing for ages!!
An amazing box of treasure. I bet you couldn't believe it when you opened the lid. Thanks for sharing.
Lisa x
what a find, you lucky lucky person.
Such a lovely nice that someones box of goodies has found a home where it's appreciated :)
I once bought an old enamel saucepan and when I got home I found inside it a tiny, dolly sized copper pan! I was more excited about that than the big one.
Deb x
What a lovely tin...super contents....always fun playing with new stuff!
What a wonderful box of treasures, I wish I'd got there before you!!:) Flora Klickmann wrote several books and edited the Woman's Magazine in the early 20th century. I think a copy of her Little Girl's Sewing Book will be dropping through my letterbox soon. Not to mention a game of Muggins. Lovely to see another post from you.
Your title sums it up perfectly.
if you could see me you would see a woman who is GREEN with envy...what a wonderful wonderful find...lucky you.....we never have anything that exciting up North...have a happy week...H
That roses tin is beautiful and I particularly like the Knitting book cover. A cosy setting of women knitting together.
Some very good finds!
Isabelle x
What a fabulous find...but I wonder if your are going to fall down a drain while wearing a bathing suit & have a stranger fling himself into your arms?
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