Hello! Is it a week already? I did intend to post yesterday but the computer was having a tantrum and when it had finally decided to calm down and play nicely, I was feeling too ill to do anything about it! Just when I thought I'd got through the winter without too many hiccups I find myself with the sorest throat I can remember and virtually no energy, so today finds me reacquainting myself with the echinacea bottle ....
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my birthday post. I hope you all got your share of jelly and custard and weren't too hyper by the time you got home. Lots of your comments reminded me of all the party food we used to have when we were little - one of the things that I always remembered having were bridge rolls?! We never had them any other time but come my birthday, my mum would go straight to the baker's to order the bridge rolls ... You see I'm rambling maybe I now have a temperature, best make this post short. There's always a winner at party games and the name drawn out of the party hat this time is Yvonne. I wish I could have had one of those games of pass the parcel with a pressie in it for everyone, but could you imagine the size of the parcel and the amount of paper ... I'm rambling again. Big 'Thank you" again to everybody.
Back to yesterday - the first bright sunny Monday morning in a long while. What a difference it made to the start of the week. After walking back from school I went straight to the garden and picked these - the first little posy of flowers from the garden this year. Instant Spring, the beautiful sweet smell of hyacinths and the fresh smell of flowering rosemary with the chalky colours of delicious primroses, nothing better to lift the spirits and brighten the kitchen windowsill.
Taking advantage of the sunshine I took some photos of some bits and bobs to show you. A gorgeous little pile of vintage children's mystery books. I would have devoured these when I was younger, they remind me of the Nancy Drew books I used to love. Wonderful titles too - I'm desperate to find out what the "Lovelace Luck" is and, of course, the mystery attached to it.
As for "The Mysterious Mr Fairweather" I wonder what he's been up to and whether Edith and Peggy find out, I expect they do somehow. As for "Nicolette goes guiding" well that sounds like "Jolly good fun" to me and maybe I'll spend this evening, cuddled up on the sofa with my lemsip finding out...
Oh the pleasure of having new books to read. Stumbling across new ones, rereading old ones and unexpectedly being given a book as a present by somebody. Love is a new book. A new book that you have heard so much about and have failed to find a copy that you can afford. Love is Mr Roses tracking down this book on the other side of the Atlantic and presenting it to me as a complete surprise...
Life here at the Roses' household is not always as rosy as you might think. At the moment, when life is not as easy as it might appear, I can't tell you how heartening it is to know that a simple jar of flowers and a pile of books can make me smile.
See you soon, I'll try not to leave it so long this time.
Books and flowers are always a good combination.
The books look to be a great find. There's nothing nicer than picking a simple posy of flowers from your garden, is there? Do hope you feel better soon.
Hen x
Sorry you're feeling poorly, Kim. Books and flowers are the way forward. And maybe a nice DVD - have you seen "Enchanted"? It is such a delightful feel good film you'll forget all about your snuffles - send someone out to hire/buy it for you!
Love those books Kim! I LOVED Nancy Drew when I was young -- I wish I had the whole set, we only saved one or two. I hope you're feeling better soon. And what are bridge rolls??? Haven't heard of them here???
Thankyou, a lovely surprise to come home to after 3 hours at toddler group!
Loved seeing the pictures of your books as my mum's maiden name was Fairweather they used to call her stormy weather when she was in a mood!
Hope you feel better soon.
Yvonne x
Those books look great! I have to admit I am a bit scared of getting books at boot sales because we have so many that some are actually in carrier bags under the bed. I usually borrow them and then at least there is only one of us accumulating :D
The flowers are really pretty, I am very envious that you already have flowers in the garden.
Mel xxx
Hi Kim,
I hope your sore throat doesn't develop into a nasty cold. What a wonderful Mr Roses you have tracking down that book. There has been so little I want to watch on TV lately that I seem to be going to bed earlier and earlier to read a book I am really enjoying.
Ruth x
Hope you are feeling better soon, Kim.
I just love the covers of your books..I'm always rummaging around looking for books with interesting dustjackets!
Lovely photos - especially the flowers, just so sweet. Hope you're feeling a bit better soon - I've had a funny ear ache, dizzy kind of thing, so got a copy of "I Capture the Castle" on dvd from the library - nice cosy afternoon on the sofa!
Willow xx
I hope you feel better soon and that the sun returns, being outside in the sun always makes life easier I think.
I loved Nancy Drew too as a young girl.
feel better soon, hope the flowers and the novels soothe your cold and your soul xx
Oh Kim, please get better.
Your little posy looks so sweet and I bet it smells divine.
Would you be up for a quick visitor with a few pots of plants?
Ive nearly finished Miss Mapp, looking forward to the next!
Enjoy your selection and we will spk very soon.
Have you read 'the Brontes went to Woolworth's' yet? I recently read 'their spoons came from Woolworth's' and really enjoyed it. I think soon anything with the word Woolworth's in it will become snapupable. I still miss them ...
I'm going back and forward a bit now and getting dizzy! I liked Enchanted too - I watched it on the Skye on a cold, wet Sunday afternoon and forgot all about the pooh weather.
Hope the books and flowers (and Lemsip) work and you are soon on the mend. Shouldn't that be lashings of ginger beer with those books, rather than Lemsip?!
Cathy XX
Ugh, there's a horrible sore throat and high temperature virus doing the rounds here at the moment - fully a third of Tall Small's class are off with it. Hope the flowers and books perk you up really quickly!
I hope you feel better soon Kim. Flowers certainly do help lift the spirits. Those books from the carboot were a find! x
Books and posies are a wonderful combination! How lovely of your man to hunt down your book. And picking posies from your yard already ... THAT'S FABULOUS! Hope everything is back to normal quickly at the Roses abode. hugs!!!
Sorry you are feeling poorly, get someone to make you some proper hot lemon, ten times better than lemsip. (1 sliced lemon in a jug, boiling water, sugar to taste, let it stand for 10 mins and then drink).
The books look very nice, my mum said they reminded her of Angela Brazil books that she used to read when she was child.
Get well soon.
Rosie x
Sorry your not well....feeling any better?
Your pictures are always so adorable!
I used to love Nancy Drew...they have now made a film of one of her stories (I watched it with Poll's)but its all modern and full of young glamerous american teen agers...not how I imagined it in the 70's....your pictures are lovely...your last comment encouraged me...flowers have been making me feel better at the moment too....every blessing H
Hope you are feeling better!
Those flowers are so beautiful- truly spring fresh!
The books remind me of the ones I read as a teenager!
Hope you're soon feeling better, we're just coming down with the sore throat and poor little Twiglet is coughing away. Books are brilliant, we too have FAR too many :)
Twiggy x
Sorry to hear that things could be better for you. I have a few of my old story books which I have kept in the hope that Sophie (6) will want to read them one day. I can still remember some of the storylines even though I have not read them in years!
I hope you are feeling a bit better my lovely, sorry I missed your birthday I hope you had a fab day, and is my cake in the post???? ;0)
There is nothing nicer than a posy of flowers from the garden…love Lou xxx
A new book! That makes my day. Your posy is so pretty, and yes, doesnt it lift the spirits?
Love the books - those sort of books should always been on display, the covers are so interesting.
Lovely blog! Scrumtious photo's! Lots of fun to read! That about sums it up for now. Look forward to learning/enjoying more x
So sorry you're not feeling well, Kim...I'm sure a good book will keep you company in the meantime :o) Such lovelies here...Do be taking care and be better soon ((HUGS))
The pages of a book offer the best escape from the humdrum of life and open up a world of imaginings and dreams..
I have spent far too long with my head in the clouds.. not books these days.. hence the fact that I am rolling in so late to wish you get well wishes and offer you a big spoon of tlc and one of those special biccies we are so fond of..
Much love
Hope you are feeling better now, I'm sure the books and flowers help. The vintage children's mystery books look so evocative, I love children's books from the 30s and 40s especially mysteries and boarding school stories. I was always a great Chalet School fan.
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