It's around this time of year that I start to get twitchy. The past few weekends have done a good job reminding me just how much I love Spring, being outside, walking, feeling the sun, enjoying the garden. But I've been a good girl, sitting at my sewing machine, window and kitchen door open to let in the fresh Spring air and maybe the odd little saunter round the garden. Until yesterday .... the bulbs that were part of a free bulb offer from a newspaper arrived. Well, not all of them, 100 of them (which leaves 200 somewhere in transit).
Worried that their late arrival would mean no summer blooms, I decided that I had to get them into the garden as soon as possible. Forty minutes later, 100 bulbs buried and well and truly hidden, not just from Mr Squirrel but from myself... in my haste, as usual, I forgot to mark, what, where and when ... and my family will once again share the surprise of what Miss Contrary has been growing this year.
Back to the twitching, well that forty minutes yesterday put paid to any ideas of staying indoors all day, diligently sewing. I can't tell you how many times I went out into the garden this morning "just to see...", "Just to check ..." even the cats had given up following me in and out and up and down the garden steps. By late morning I gave up.
It was time to go outside properly. To say "hello and welcome back" to new friends.
To enjoy watching the celandines greeting the midday sun,
to wonder at an early arrival (in my wonder I forgot to focus, sorry!).
And finally, to settle, a few favourite cushions, an old garden chair (held together by paint only!), a cup of tea (of course) and my book. This is a book calling to be read outside. Did any of you get to see the wonderful TV series on Sissinghurst recently? M and I devoured it. Having seen the author speak so passionately about his home it's great to read more - I love his way of writing and the connections he draws between Sissinghurst and the land surrounding it. A beautiful place, a wonderful book and my justification for spending such a gorgeously self indulgent hour back in my garden.
What a lovely garden!
Was really warm today, very sunny, I had a lovely walk with my mum....hope it carries on!xxx
It's amazing how things can suddenly pop up in the garden, from nowhere, at this time of year! ;-)
It all sounds delightful, Kim - good for you for seizing the day, or should I say, hour! I shall look out for that book, having been to Sissinghurst some years ago, the beauty of the place stays in my mind. Have a good week, and treat your sewing machine to more time off too!! Denise x
I have the Sissinghurst series recorded on series link and shall rip into it with a bag of popcorn one night this week.
Your garden is an utter deight Kim, beautiful.
I am bowled over by all the prettiness on your blog. Have very much enjoyed my visit
Sounds like a great way to soend some time! x
Your blog almost smells like a garden! Beautiful! Inspired! Time to buy bulbs . . . thank you!
Oh! Can an American girl find the Sissinghurst program on NefFlix?
You have some very pretty plants! I wish I could get back into enjoying being in the garden properly but for me it usually spells VERY muddy children digging up my plants (a primrose being the latest victim) and an even muddier kitchen floor! I will try harder this year though!
Mel xxx
I watched Sissinghurst with great interest, what an interesting programme. Sarah Raven is a favourite of mine anyway.
It all looks so beautiful Kim! You're several weeks ahead of us -- we're waiting for our first blooms to pop out -- hoping for daffodils soon. Hopefully, someday, the Sissinghurst series will be available to us soon.
Lots of floral delights in your garden.
Enjoy the sun and the reading.
I missed that programme but dont have much to do with the television,alas that does mean sometimes I miss great shows sigh lol!
I was out n the garden all afternoon,its SO good for the soul isnt it.Pure joy!
GTM x x
I love the Springy-ness of your post! It makes such a difference to life when the sun comes out, and encourages all the flowers. Hope you get the opportunity to enjoy the sun (and your book in the garden) again soon!
Cathy X
I saw some of the Sissinghurst series, really liked Adam Nicholson but was rather less taken with his wife. Have you been to Sissinghurst, it's as wonderful as they say but would be even better without the crowds:) I haven't seen this book, must look out for it, have pretty much everything else written about Sissinghurst and Vita.
sounds like a lovely time in a lovely garden. Always good to take a time out and make the most of the good weather starting (especially after last 'summer'). I thought that cushion was gorgeous.
It's so good to get outdoors again, I love spring and your garden is looking beautiful already.
ich I hate planting bulbs! The first lot get well planted and then its chuck them in and hope for the best.
You are not alone in the garden ponderings!
I'm so glad you had time to sit to reflect and enjoy your garden. Such pretty pictures. Your cushions are beautiful. Such a nice way spend time. Plus planting a hundred bulbs in forty minuts is pretty good work. I'm going ot have to check out that book it looks amazing.
Your garden is gorgeous.
I am feeling the same twitchiness every time I go to hang the washing out I linger a little longer in the yard.
Ah, yes...that springtime twitch...I can relate! :o) Be scattered, look at everything blooming...and enjoy! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Once again its as if your reading my mind... yes that feeling of being outside, in a fav. spot (mine too is held together by paint alone-loved this description) and just chilling enjoying the bird dong and the beauty of nature...oh happy days indeed....
Gorgeous garden you have. I also watched the series about Sissinghurst and intend reading the book. Having been a Sarah Raven fan I didn't feel she came over very well? Perhaps it was just me! She still is a fantastic writer and I love her books.
I have just noticed on your side bar a picture of the cutest cat cup!
Love it!
Hi my bulbs arrived too, helped by granddaughter not quite 3 to plant them, so they will be discovered when they grow as I too didn't mark where they were planted too worried what the GD was going to dig up next.
Your garden looks beautiful Kim!
I would be more than happy sat out there!
Have a lovely weekend!
Love Lou xxx
I can understand wanting to be about in the garden with so much beauty just beginning to pop out of the ground. It's a lovely time of the year so full of promise ...
i's been a lovely warm spring. Sissinghurst is wonderful,but I love Great Dixter do you know it?It's just magical . . . .
Love Helen
P.S I love your Blog!!
ahh so pretty i wish my garden looked like that
Hi Kim...yes I am coming round...thankyou so much xxx
The book on Sissinghurst looks lovely..definitley to be obtained. I have been reading some of Vita's books, they are really good (slight understatment!) but oh I do love this whole era...
I hear there is a rather lovely French seller at the Station on a Sunday..might be worth popping down ..thats if you don't already..please let me know??
Hope you are well and enjoying your beautiful you can't keep out of it.
Hugs Lynn
...eveything looks wonderful...I lov spring ...I think I love it the best and looking at your lovely garden reminds me and hugs H
A really delightful blog which I have only just discovered. Thank you for the enjoyment dispensed.
I got the Sissinghurst book for Christmas. I wonder if you've been to the garden? We were there a few years ago, before Adam N started implementing his ideas, and I have to say that it was beautiful just as it was. I see his point but on the other hand it was very very very lovely.
I've stayed inside sewing and studying the last few days. I think that you have have a wonderful idea and I will follow your lead and take some books out to my swing in the back yard tomorrow. I'll tell my hubby that Mrs. Ragged Roses recommended it!
A very good year for celandine, my garden is full of it. Although thought of as a weed, it is a very welcome, pretty weed! I find purple flowers always tricky to focus on, is it me or the camera, do you think? As for bulbs, I am forever digging them up! I did watch the series on Sissinghurst and enjoyed it very much. I couldn't get over the family resemblence between Adam and Vita. I wonder if the National Trust have come round to all his and Sarah's ideas yet? x
You got FREE bulbs! How wonderful. I wish our stingy papers would do something so nice.
I cant wait to see them, once they grow.
oh! what prettiness!
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