... this is what you'd find. We went on our annual visit to the very aptly named Heaven Farm to look at the bluebells. And bluebells there were aplenty. Heaven Farm is such a very special place in one of my favourite parts of East Sussex, just past Sheffield Park and the Bluebell Railway.
Everything about this place is magical, it reminds me of the film "Fairy Tale" based on the story of the Cottingley Fairy photographs. Such beautiful scenery and, yes, we think we have seen the odd fairy flying around amongst the bluebells over the years.
Wherever you turn there was this blanket of blue offset by the purest of greens and shards of sunlight filtering through the trees. Not just a feast for the eyes either, the scent was heavenly and wherever you went you were accompanied by the sound of birdsong (I heard my first woodpecker!) and the occasional sound of the steam trains over on the Bluebell Railway - it is the perfect place to lose yourself in your thoughts, a bit of a sensory overload!
Back at home, the garden is really coming on leaps and bounds. On Thursday the first buds of Apple Blossom were opening (the tree thankfully having survived the rather radical haircut I'd given it a few months back). But by yesterday morning the whole tree was covered in blossom and if you're looking for fairies there must be the odd Apple Blossom Fairy hiding in those branches!
The bluebells are still blooming and are happily dotted around the front and back gardens. The sticks are in waiting for the sweet peas to be planted, and, if you look very carefully, you can see the snails on the sticks waiting for the sweet peas! Oh well you can't have it all...