Hey, hey, hey, the sun is shining! We have Springtime! What a boost to the spirits it is. It's been a week of highs and lows, days when I've been feeling decidedly down in the dumps and days when I've awoken to birdsong and wanted to spring out of bed. The pressure of exams and hiccups at school (not literally because they're never really problems, unless like me you would be seized by a fit of giggles at school whenever anyone started to hiccup and inevitably the stern gaze of a teacher was sent my way) have left us feeling all a little bit, well, worn out I suppose.

But then on Friday the sun started to shine, school was behind us for two days, there was a trip to the theatre to be taken (Rosamund Pike in Hedda Gabler, fantastic!), a very special meal out with some very special friends for a very special celebration, and, of course Mother's Day...
a day full of flowers, chocolate, being spoilt rotten, cuddles with my girls and a quick trip into town to buy some goodies and a return home with this gorgeous carrier bag from Carluccio's which just about sings Spring to me! Birds, pansies, blue sky, buds and blossom, delicious!

There has also been sunshine on grey days too - a much awaited trip up to London for a staff jolly with my partner in crime, Dottie, certainly made up for the two years since we last saw each other! Yes, two years! How is that possible? We speak every day, our emails have their own very well worn path through the ether and of course, there's all the custard cream sharing that goes on in the stockroom, but how can it have been two years since we last saw each other?

Well it may have been two years and a lifetime of phone calls since our last face to face, but we chatted and giggled our way along the pavements of London. My goodness we can talk! Thank you Dottie, it was a jolly to remember (and you know what I mean). Let's hope it's sooner rather than later for the next jolly, although I'm not too sure if it's safe for us both be out alone together... maybe next time we should take a compass.

And today, well today, my mind has been pulled in two directions - the garden was calling to me as was poor old Janome my much loved sewing machine... A mental promise to spend the weekend in the garden digging and planting allowed me to get behind the old sewing machine again.

It's been a while and I have been waiting and waiting to make this cushion and somehow today the sunshine galvanised me into making it.

And as I sat sewing I realised that it wouldn't be long before the hedgerows and countryside and the beautiful Downs would be full of these kind of flowers, poppies and corncockles, scabious and orchids...

I could literally feel the sun on my face as I sat and imagined myself walking out over the hills, Mr Roses and my daughters being able to escape the pressures of work and school with each deep breath of fresh Spring air - now that's something to look forward to!