It's around this time of year that I start to get twitchy. The past few weekends have done a good job reminding me just how much I love Spring, being outside, walking, feeling the sun, enjoying the garden. But I've been a good girl, sitting at my sewing machine, window and kitchen door open to let in the fresh Spring air and maybe the odd little saunter round the garden. Until yesterday .... the bulbs that were part of a free bulb offer from a newspaper arrived. Well, not all of them, 100 of them (which leaves 200 somewhere in transit).
Worried that their late arrival would mean no summer blooms, I decided that I had to get them into the garden as soon as possible. Forty minutes later, 100 bulbs buried and well and truly hidden, not just from Mr Squirrel but from myself... in my haste, as usual, I forgot to mark, what, where and when ... and my family will once again share the surprise of what Miss Contrary has been growing this year.
Back to the twitching, well that forty minutes yesterday put paid to any ideas of staying indoors all day, diligently sewing. I can't tell you how many times I went out into the garden this morning "just to see...", "Just to check ..." even the cats had given up following me in and out and up and down the garden steps. By late morning I gave up.
It was time to go outside properly. To say "hello and welcome back" to new friends.
To enjoy watching the celandines greeting the midday sun,
to wonder at an early arrival (in my wonder I forgot to focus, sorry!).
And finally, to settle, a few favourite cushions, an old garden chair (held together by paint only!), a cup of tea (of course) and my book. This is a book calling to be read outside. Did any of you get to see the wonderful TV series on Sissinghurst recently? M and I devoured it. Having seen the author speak so passionately about his home it's great to read more - I love his way of writing and the connections he draws between Sissinghurst and the land surrounding it. A beautiful place, a wonderful book and my justification for spending such a gorgeously self indulgent hour back in my garden.