... so it must be sweets day!! Every Friday during term time we always pop into the sweet shop on the way back from school for some treats. Today being the end of that first hard week back I think we all deserve being a bit naughty.
I made these hearts over the holidays, in the evenings. I just kept them by the side of the sofa and had a little go when I fancied. I'm happy with the results - they're fun, pretty, bright and have got a taste of summer about them.
I'm really pleased that most of them are made using recycled fabrics too.
Anyway if you see anything you like, rather like a child in a sweet shop, they're available in my Etsy shop. I'm also willing to make hearts in other colours too if there's anything you fancy.
Over the holidays we found a couple of really good sweet shops and I was able to indulge my sweet tooth. We all stocked up on our favourites - strawberry bonbons, toasted teacakes, rhubarb and custards, pear drops and pineapple cubes. Do you remember buying bagfuls of Black Jacks and Fruit Salads when you were little? Milk bottles were my favourites and I still love them - did you know that the factory that makes them was badly flooded a few months back and so they're in short supply?
I've always had a secret fantasy of opening a sweet shop - an old fashioned sweet shop with jars and jars of sweets, on wooden shelves. I would also sell cakes and tea , but that's another story .... I love the nostalgic, wonderful packaging of Hope & Greenwood sweets and chocolates and remember reading an article of them and their shop in London. My idea of heaven! They've got a wonderful new website too. Very expensive, but worth dropping hints about if it's your birthday coming up (take note, M). The packaging is so beautiful that I use my empty truffles box for my buttons (not the chocolate kind) wonderful eye candy!
Anyway I'm rambling on again, lost in a daydream of sherbet pips and jelly beans (I know, I haven't been out much this week!).
I've been nominated again this week by Julia and Catherine for the Nice Matters Award. Thank you both very much - I am flattered. I really enjoy both of their blogs and am very touched that you thought of me - thanks again.
Have a great, relaxing weekend and if you've got a minute let me know what your favourite sweets are so that I can make sure that my shop stocks them!
Can I come and work in your (pretend) sweet shop, and get paid in flying saucers and midget gems? It all sounds wonderful.
Are you getting used to the quiet and tidyness now? would you like to have a little pre-school noisy, mess maker to stay?
Congratulations on your awards.Have a great weekend!
Victoria x
What a sweet post ;o) Your ragged hearts make a heart sing--sooo very charming they are, love them! Congrats on the awards! Happy Weekend to you all ((Hugs))
Yum! All these sweets make you want want to go to your pretend sweet shop. I love your hearts and also your heart dish full of the sweets. What a fun thing to do for your kids ~ having sweets day. I always say you are such a great mum!
i have this wee obsession withjelly beans. the big and juicy ones and the tiny tart ones. i really am not all that picky! ooooooo a sweet shop would be so much fun!
MMmmmm! I love yummy sweets! And sherbet pips!!! I ordered them on a whim for our gourmet shop from one of our British food suppliers (I didn't even know what they were - the name enticed me)! Well... they sold like crazy! All the expats were coming to the shop and said they hadn't had them since their childhood! And rhubard/custards... I ordered some of those and they sold well. We still have half of our supply left... perhaps I should take a bag home and try them (and I'll think of this post)! =)
I'll be your first customer!
Isn't it funny how we all fancy an old fashioned tea room selling yummy things? Perhaps we should have a co-op?? :-)
soooo "sweet"...just stock chocolate and I would keep coming back. LOL Love the little hearts too!
ooooh i had a thing for cherry lips they smelt like perfume and got stuck in my teeth , but i loved them !!!
love your hearts !!
Sara x
My favourites were cherry lips!
They had a really strange taste, nothing like cherries!
Love the hearts!!
Vanessa x
The first week is the worst, right?! I hope!! Oh, we'll adjust. I'll help myself to the candy stash now. =) Blessings... Polly
Love the hearts!! And my fave sweets were those pink and white gooey mushrooms! I keep buying big bags of them at Ikea... Have a lovely weekend!
Beautiful hearts - and love the colours!
I like all those sweets you mentioned too. There's nothing like a paper bag full of them.
I absolutely adore jelly beans. Everytime I have a chance, I will go just for them. Hummm. :)
The hearts look lovely and congratulations on your award.
Congratulations on your nice matters award, it is well deserved. Have to go and raid the sweet tin after looking at this post!
I'm a chocoholic so it would have to white chocolate mice for me. Or rainbow drops. Oh, and pineapple cubes were yummy. I'm impressed that you only have a weekly trip to the sweetshop, I'm sure my two call in every day....I don't keep sweets in the house but we are partial to a large bar of Cadbury's Caramel and Fruit & Nut betwwen us.
They are just opening such a sweet shop near where I live ....very dangerous!!! But the love hearts and parma violets are some of my favs along with cinder toffee and those alphabet letters that used to come in a small box - Heaven. I love your blog btw having just found you.
Love the hearts!.Favourite sweets mmm....cola cubes,sherbert pips,liquorice sticks and peanut brittle,I could go on!
Friday is sweetie day in our house too, and funnily enough I treated myself to a pack of lovehearts whilst I was there!
When we visited Cardigan in Wales this year we went to a shop called "Yum Yums" which had more jars of sweets that anywhere else I'd ever been, totally amazing, you should go, you'd be in seventh heaven! I ate so many sherbet pips my mouth hurt like hell!
Are you used to the quietness of the house yet, it takes some adjustment doesn't it?
Julia x
Oh the nostalgia! Aniseed balls were my favourites and I love pear drops...My mum didn't approve...the most she could be persuaded to buy us was a quarter of Bluebird chocolate caramels. We went to a wedding where they had love hearts scattered on the tables...I loved the up-dated versions...txt me, e-mail me.
Margaret and Noreen at THY
I love to visit your blog, it is a guarantee of lovely colours, & nice thoughts.
And today, sweets as well!!
Thankyou Kimx
The woodcutter loves cola cubes, I like cherry lips, you know the ones that smell of perfume. The woodcutter also likes those coconut toasted teacakes, I hate those. The children recently had sherbet pips given to them. Talk about took decay !!!
Well you named many candies I'm quite sure we don't have over here...just make sure you open a branch in the U.S., okay?
I love your colorful photos as always!!!
Oh I remember fruit salad and black jacks and long red liquorice called fireman's hoses! Oh and I love sherbet lemons...Your post took me back to my childhood! Well done on your awards, you deserve them!
Hope the school term is going well. I always loved the holidays with the children at home.. and not just because I'm a teacher. The break from routine and clock-watching was wonderful.
Lovely nostalgic post, I always loved penny arrow bars (especially the banana split ones), mint imperials, dolly mixtures (proper ones made by Squirrel not the horrid ones available these days) and my absolute favourite - duck,new potatoes and green peas. Hardly anyone else seems to have heard of these and there was only one little sweet shop near us that sold them. I'm back in the early 50s here - I often wonder whether I imagined them:)
After school on Fridays was always sweet day for my children too.
Well, it would have to be chocolate tools for me. I loved them as a child but they are near impossible to get hold of now.
Love your hearts!
Ah, we have the Friday sweetie habit too! I'm trying to stop it becoming the Thursday and Wednesday habit too. I'd forgotten about sherbet pips and now I would like to have a little paper bag full ...
Very pretty hearts too!
Love your sweet shop theme. Very "sweet"! LOL! The little hearts are just charming. I'm afraid I'm a "Plain Jane". I do love tootsie rolls and anything chocolate!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Kim! I adore those hanging hearts! Everything looks so sweet in this post ;)
Yummmm -- those hearts look sweet enough to eat! Anything with chocolate and caramel will do for me. And those jelly beans are looking pretty darn fantastic too!
I love the hearts,my kids still eat Love Hearts but I'm not so keen on the modern messages on some of them.Pop over to my blog to pick up an ward for making me smile.
Kat xx
yum sweets! what a delicious post!
such cute pics! a sweet shop would be so fun!
Hello Kim.. better late than never I hope.. I have just had such a good browse back through the archives of your blog and discovered your Hope & Greenwood mention..
Great minds think alike!
I am a bit of a slow starter so have really only just discovered them.. probably just as well!
Love those sweet-hearts.. very witty!
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