Late Friday night, three of us huddled on the sofas watching TV. Images appear on the telly of the first moon landing. Conversation follows about that famous day. Mr Roses turns to Big Sister and asks what was the name of the astronaut who first walked on the moon. To which I reply, having first consumed the compulsory couple of Friday night glasses of wine:
"Neil Armstrong-Jones" - Now I bet you hadn't realised up until now that a relative of the Earl of Snowdon was in charge of the lunar landing. Good to see my grey cells are still working ...
But wait it gets better ...
Big Sister then pops up with:
"That man who went with him was called Buzz Lightyear". (no doubt Mr Potato Head was in charge of NASA at the time).
Suddenly space travel becomes much more interesting ...
What's that saying? "Like Mother, like Daughter..."
ROFLMAO, that really did make me laugh out loud, I got some very strange looks from my doggies.
My breakfast nearly went down the wrong way!
Have a great weekend.
Lisa x
Oh too funny! At least they got a bit of the names right.
Well at least you both got the first names correct! x
Ha! That's excellent - well at least you were on the right lines. After a couple more glasses you might have said Lance Armstrong!
Tee Hee Hee!
Hahaha -- I knew Buzz Lightyear fit into that historic event somewhere. Thanks for clearing that up!
Also thanks for your comment about SweetiePie's shopping cart. I couldn't respond to it directly, 'cause my goofy e-mail has your comment linked to someone else. It gets its pointers mixed up.
Do I get any points for knowing the answer to this one?
You are not alone my friend.. your grey matter is certainly not the only to be challenged...
Once watching a documentary about Rasputin.. son and heir asked who Rasputin was.. my quick retort.. was
" He was a mushroom runk'.... one of many spoonerisms from my lips!
Hope your day has been rosy and pink.
I've missed so many of your lovely posts, I have to say reading them is so cheering up my day..xx
History gets a bit confused along the way...
How funny! It's easily done!
This really made me laugh! Neil Armstrong-Jones and Buzz Lightyear - I love it!!
It sounds very much like the conversations we have in our house.
Thank you for your lovely comment…love Lou xxx
he he, thats the sort of thing I normally say!! xxx
LOL! Great answer!
Thanks for wishing you could come help clean up. Oh my! We are discovering there will be damage. We are trying to claim it on our insurance. :-(
Hugs ~
Such a cute story, thanks for sharing!
Ha ha! I'm glad mine isn't the only family that does this. Rosie was explaining to me the other night that we've suddenly got strawberries growing at the top of the garden because the birds have eaten the fruit and then 'excrutiated' the pips!
How funny!
I love Buzz Lightyear.
Are you suggesting that Buzz Lightyear wasn't on the first lunar landing? I'm confused! t.x
this made me laugh out loud, so funny....our house is a bit like this........
How funny that made me smile! Priceless! You will have to remind them of that one day when they are grown up.
Have a good weekend
Isabelle x
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