Thank you!!! Milly says "Thank you". Dottie says "Thank you" and Michele and I shout out "thank you" at the top of our voices. Thanks to all of you who have visited our Emporium. have left such generous, kind, encouraging and supportive comments. We have been overwhelmed by the number of visitors we've had along to our little shop this week and have been busy in the Stockroom with our piles of brown paper and string (not to mention a fair few packets of biccies and cups of tea).
Over a year ago Dottie and I had (notice it's not Michele and I, the alter egos do take over when we talk about each other) a little idea that lived in our emails and went floating through the ether from one side of the country to the other. We just can't believe that as of 5pm last Saturday our shop was no longer just part of our many daily ramblings and that we are "playing" at shopkeepers for real.
It has been nerve racking and exciting. Our confidence has waxed and waned and oh the nerves last week when we pressed the "publish" button. We have known from the beginning what we wanted in our Emporium and how it would look, we have also known that Milly and Dottie would be in charge. This all felt very safe within the confines of our correspondence and flights of fancies are to be welcomed on cold, rainy days. Making those flights of fancies real on a bright sunny afternoon and going public with Milly and Dottie and our little dream was a huge leap of faith ... I for one was just not sure what the reaction would be. Minutes before "going live' I was found pacing the hall, shedding a tear clutching the phone and talking to Dottie.
So we sat down in front of our pooters, synchronised our actions and hey presto!
This week life in the Stockroom has been good. Confidence has been restored to Dottie and Milly, shelves are being restocked, biscuit crumbs are being constantly swept up and the kettle seems to be permanently on. Milly and Dottie are still dreaming and planning and I know for sure that those two little minxes will be taking more of a centre stage at the Emporium over the next few weeks...
So "thank you" for visiting, joining in the fun and most importantly, thank you for your support!
PS Thanks to lovely Emma for the gorgeous plants she gave me for my garden earlier on in the year, the gorgeous daisies in these photos are a pressie from her.
It's a fab shop, Kim! (er I mean D & M!)
Just up my parking fees,no astronomic cafe bills to pay and no over inflated prices in your shop either!
Well done! xx
i love your shop!
ill keep popping back to have a look!
I think that your shop is fab; already added to my favourites! Well done to the two of you for having the guts to give it a go! x
i just had to say about to open a bottle of lemonade...would you like to share a glass.
Yipee! I'm so happy that it's going well for you Kim!!!
Dear Milly
You have bought a ray of sunshine with the opening of yours and Dotties emporium!
I am glad to see that your plants have been successfull
It's wonderful, Kim, I mean, Milly ;o)'s all very fun and exciting... Wishing you & Dottie all the best...Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lovely pictures - I am just going to look at your shop!
Pomona x
Wonderful that your gorgeous little shops has had a successful start. I was so tempted by several of the things. Hmm, time for another browse I think x
Good luck with your shop.Lots of goodies to tempt me!Bellaboo
Well done Milly and Dottie, your emporium is FAB, and I love having a nosy around when I have a few minutes spare (not that often, biscuits and cakes have taken over my life too!)
I am so pleased with my purchases and shall definitely be back!
Well done on achieving your dream, it's a feeling to be pocketed and brought out another day isn't it?!
Well Milly... realising our dream has been the best thing to happen to Dottie for a long time.
Onwards and upwards.. and back to the stockroom.. there's work to do!
Dottie xx
Lovely! Well done, congratulations on your opening.
You have bought a ray of sunshine with the opening of yours and Dotties emporium!
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I love it - so inspiring for me, well done!
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