Hello! Hope you all had a good half term, if you had one. Ours was not as relaxing as we wished it to be. So lovely to have Little Sister back home again after her week away zip wiring, canoeing and forgetting to change her clothes... For Big Sister, however, it was somewhat of an assault course in terms of homework and coursework that needed to be completed before returning to school. Why oh why do they have so much to do in the holidays? She returned to school looking and feeling as if she needed a good break.
So we were unable to spend much of the time together, but there were a couple of times that we managed to get out and on each of these occasions I managed to embarrass both my daughters as only mothers do...
Little Sister and I went to see "Up" at the cinema. Thank goodness for the 3D specs is all I can say. My eyes were streaming from start to finish. I held my hand out as I thought that my daughter might need comforting, but not a tear had she shed. It seemed I was crying enough for the two of us. Well at least it was dark...
In the full gleam of the post office queue a couple of hours later, I found the December issue of "Homes and Gardens" magazine. Not having my glasses with me as usual Little Sister had to scour the contents of it for me to find my sachets. Yes! My sachets have been featured in the magazine this month (in the handmade gift ideas for Christmas). She then had to read very loudly to me what the article said etc (several times as I was so excited, much to her annoyance) and then watched my face turn from it's blotchy tear stained pallor to a very nice scarlet as I blushed with embarrassment! Hey ho, I'm sure it amused all the others in the queue...

At the weekend, I found out that Dottie and I were also featured in "Sew Hip" magazine. Further blushing followed and much whooping and skipping - yes I can understand why my girls find me a tad embarrassing.
Dottie and I have been very busy of late building our Christmas grotto and filling the shelves with all kinds of vintage festive loveliness. Please pop in and take a lot, I hear the elves are regularly updating the stock. Decorations, presents, stocking fillers, gorgeous vintage French haberdashery
and some lovely Christmas handmade items have been added throughout the Emporium too.
My new "Christmas Pudding" lavender sachets
To finish the week off, Big Sister and I went to see a special screening of "Bright Star". Sunday morning we arrived soaking wet at the cinema, drenched from a mad dash from home and settled down for a real treat. Please go see this film, it is absolutely beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... exquisitely filmed and beautifully acted. But please take your hankies, achingly sad. Again I sat and absolutely blubbed my way through this. There was one point when I thought I would not be able to contain myself and would weep outloud. Big Sister looked aghast as she could see what was happening to me but fortunately I managed to contain myself. Judging by the subdued faces leaving the cinema I was not alone.
I'm wondering now if my daughters think I'm too much of a liability to take anywhere...
Have a good few days.
(1950s Feathered Friends in our Grotto)
PS Just found that our Emporium is also mentioned in the Christmas shopping section in "Homes and Antiques" - time for me to go a deeper shade of pink, I think.

Hello Kim
I hope that you are well.
Well done of being featured in the magazines! So pleased for you. It is a great website. You have some lovely new arrivals in there.
Take care
Isabelle x
Whao you're doing so well, getting a mention in all those magazines!!! I'm always one to cry at the cinema too! x
Hello Kim,
Wonderful news about the magazines! So exciting!
I cry at the cinema and my daughter sobbed when we went to see Pursuit of Happyness! We both came out with swollen eyes and red faces!
Have a lovely day!
Rachel x
How lovely to hear that you are doing so well! Only the best magazines of course!
I am really pleased that your venture is doing so well! x
I wept and wept during the first half hour of Up - my daughter looked at me in the dark and said 'Mummy, are you crying? Why?' I'm rather glad she's not old enough to know yet what made it so heartrending!
Congrats on all your magazine mentions - you're famous!
Well done being featured!
My goodness, you are doing well in the glossies. It's great news for you. I do like the style of your Emporium. My mum used to embarrass me, when she picked me up from school in her lime green Morris Marina! x
Ooooh Kim! Thank you sooooo much for the link to Bright Star -- I've never heard of it, but it's certainly a must see. I loved The Piano -- I can't wait to tell my mom about this -- I'm sure she'll want to go see it too! Congrats on all your magazine links too!
Well done what fantastic news.... 2 magazines, i am so pleased for you.
I always buy those so i will look out for you.
Keep up the good work.
congratualtions Kim...how wonderful, bright star looks like my kind of film, going to look at the cinema website now, Polly and I go every other week so this will be the one for this week...love and hugs H
wow, congrats on all the magazine features, will have to look them out, more reasons to buy magazines - I love it!
Had to add another comment Kim, while reading through my December
Homes & Antiques your Milly and Dottie is shown in there on page 159 a really lovely little write up...well done so pleased for you.
Many many MANY congratulations. I'm not surprised you shed a few tears. How wonderfully exciting - I hope many shoppers pop in to Milly and Dottie.
congratulations on all the press praise, you deserve it xoxox
What exciting news! Warmest congratulations on your magazine features!
Marie x
off to look in those magazines right away! Clever girl! And as for embarrassing daughters, that's what mothers are FOR!
Well Milly.. I am blushing with shame here.. for not visiting Ragged Roses for so long. What with all the shenanigans that have been going on in our little world of commerce this week.. I completely forgot about our old friend 'blogs'. Hang on to your hat girl.. I have a feeling we are going to blushing some more before the year is out..and rushed off our feet too..
Love Milly xx
Well many, many congrats at getting into print so many times!
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Lisa x
been so lovely to catch up with you. What a lovely week you had, must mark it in my diary...up seems a good film to watch with my little ones.
Hey fame... you go girl....
It is so lovely to see you getting the recognition you deserve! Congratulations.
How lovely to be doing so well ! You definitely deserve it .
As for the rest : it says somewhere in the fine print that children returning from camp should be hosed down before coming into the house . And in somewhat larger letters , once you've had children you will become more overtly emotional with every passing year . This is to ensure that when they hit their teens , you can mortify them frequently . Just wait till one gets married !
Hello Kim,
I hope you are well and are coping with all this media attention! ;-))
I just wanted to thank you for sending out the lovely 1940's Christmas lanterns so quickly - they are wonderful...very tempting to light a little candle inside them...but perhaps with today's health & safety concerns, I'd better not...
May your emporium go from strength to strength...
I'm looking forward to seeing your business partner on Saturday!
Niki x
Oh yes, and I so agree with you - half term breaks should be just that...not time to catch-up with work that should have been covered during term time!
What a lovely post and congratulations on not one but two magazine mentions.I've just got back home from the Country Living Fair and have had to do a double take as I've just bought some of the vintage seed packets - the designs are lovely - and so are your sachets!
My half- terms are now chocked full of tourists descending on the tourist office as they decide they need something to entertain the kids with LOL
Glad you went to see UP... Tim and I loved it when we took our niece - and Tim was the one to cry, poor darling... it really was a most beautifully moving film, not what we expected at all!
Way to go on being mentioned in not one but two magazines *claps loudly* I think that sort of news allows you to whoop for joy very loudly!!
Ahh, a read of your blog always chears me up, and the photo's are always so lovely.
Remember - it is a good shade of pink/red you go!
Well done on all your publicity in the mags.
Ruth x
I've been away too long, Congrats on your magazine feature you deserve it. Wow on your Emporium, I love love love the name Dottie and Milly. xxxxx
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