Hello! Remember me? Sorry for the silence it has not been the best of holidays so far - my father has been in hospital and I have spent my time with him and returning home now and again to see the girls. Apart from feeling miserably tired and worried, I have been suffering from that age old problem of guilt - trying to be both a good daughter and a good mother has been very difficult, and I have felt that I failed miserably at both.
But the holidays are not yet over, it may be grey and wet outside but let's hope there are blue skies on the horizon, sandcastles waiting to be built, cuddles on the sofa, days spent together and many happy days to remember. Wishing you all Bonnes Vacances - speak soon x
Oh I'm so sorry to read that things have been tough, I hope things grown easier soon and wish for you to have plenty of sandcastle building and sofa days in the next few weeks.
Hope things get easier soon... wishing you blue skies ahead!
So sorry to hear you have had a tough time recently.Hope that happier days are just around the corner!
Bellaboo :o)
Oh goodness me, very sorry to hear about your dad.
Sending you lots of best wishes for a sunnier, brighter and happier time ahead.
Lisa x
Awww...I hope your life gets better. Don't waste time on 'guilt'! I once tried to do a study on 'guilt' in the Bible...and there was nothing there to study. I realized then....guilt is brought on by Satan himself.
I'm sure you are a wonderful mother and daughter! And there are only 24 hours in a day....so give yourself a break!
Have a blessed day!
:-( sorry to hear life is hard for you at the moment. Do not feel guilty, I am sure your girls understand that you have to be with your Father at the moment and your Father will understand that you also need to be with your children sometimes too. Make sure you get some rest and try to ignore the guilt feelings - you are trying your best and that is all you can do. x
I hope things are beginning to look a little brighter. it's hard when you feel pulled every way but I'm sure your girls understand. Take care. Jx
Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm sure your girls know it's important for you to be with your dad. Even if they don't seem to understand at the time, they will bounce back! :-) Hope things get better for you soon! xx
Oh Kim -- I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I hope you can manage to squeeze a little time in with the girls (and you!) before your schools start back up.
Really sorry to read that you're having a horrid holiday so far. I hope your Dad is better soon and that you manage to enjoy what remains of the summer holiday. Easier said than done I know but try not to feel guilty. I'm sure you are doing the best for everyone. Take care. Fiona x
I hope that your father is better. I am sure that you are the perfect mother and daughter by just being there :D
So sorry to hear you're having a rough time, and sending good wishes for the whole family.
thinking of you x
Guilt is a terrible emotion and one that creeps up on us. I'm sure no-one else will be thinking badly of you, the very fact that you worry about being a good mum and a good daughter says you care and are probably doing just great at both. Chin up.
So sorry to hear that your dad has not been well. I think we have been called the squished generation, caught between caring for our children and our parents and feeling far guiltier than we should! Take care and I wish you some lovely sunny (or, if not sunny, happy) family days before the end of the holidays.
I'm new to your blog - just wanted to say that that August illustration is really lovely!
My family and I are praying for you and your family!
Ruth Ann
Sorry things are so tough and stressful, Kim. Thinking of you and hoping there are some good times in the remainder of the summer x
Boo, hope things have turned out ok, that your dad is better and that you managed to spend some good time with your kids x
Hang in there (I will say prayers for your dad) and try not to feel guilty, I'm sure you are a great mother and daughter! That's why we're women...
As a long time lurker and fan. I wish you minds ease in this difficult time. Your dad is in my prayers of course and you as well. Life is difficult and challenging. Your girls will understand, and so will your father. Blessings on all of you.
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