As I'm busy baking today - mudpies for the party (chocolate fairycakes, chocolate icing and something green and, hopefully, edible on top!), I thought I'd quickly take some photos of my kitchen so you can share my view. The scales and flour barrel are on one long shelf that we had made from an old joist, rescued at the local wood recycling project. We were really pleased to be able to recycle this old wood and it was just the "chunkiness" we'd been looking for - our local project is a real treasure trove and the staff are really friendly. They cut and waxed the joists for us and delivered them the next day, can't get any better than that! We hunted around and found some old iron brackets for the shelves - perfect!
We have another shelf on the opposite wall. and on it is my collection of Cornishware and some of my old French enamel tins, I will photograph them properly one day, but I'm up against it timewise today (mudpies wait for nobody!) One of my favourite things in the kitchen is my old cocoa box that I photographed in an earlier post - I love it!
Finally here is a corner of my kitchen with some odds and ends (mainly pink!) and a butter dish in one of my favourite designs - Frolic by Beswick, I showed some photos of my Greenfingers collection here, well it was this little butter dish that started me off collecting them. I have to say it is probably my favourite - I love the couple dancing to the barrel organ and the colours are so happy (If you click on the images they should enlarge, everything seems to be strangely out of focus, which perhaps mirrors how I'm feeling today). Let's hope we'll be looking this happy mid party on Saturday! Have you seen the weekend forecast? Looks like we'll be having our own Shrek swamp in the garden so an indoor party seems to be more and more likely - oh dear! I've got lots of green muslin so if it comes to it the living room will have to be transformed into something green and musliny. We'll see ... and we all know what we mean when we say "we'll see!".
Off to check my cakes !