Last week our computer died. Is there a technical term for it I wonder? This just about sums up my technical knowledge, in fact a certain custard cream eating friend and I have shared many a similar conversation when our computers have been having tantrums ... and many a biscuit has been passed through the ether via our computers (this might account for our computer's sudden demise, a blockage of biscuit crumb resulting in complete malfunction I wonder?).
And, no of course not, not all of my files were backed up and yes, of course, it happened when we were least expecting it to, halfway through a major transplant operation - Mr Roses was transferring information from the old computer to the new one that has been given to us...
The result? Well as usual a complete panic from me. How did we exist before computers ... isn't it just so silly/frustrating/annoying to become so dependent on a machine? One positive side effect was that the house hasn't looked so clean in ages. Unable to retrieve images for my work from the computer, I switched off the sewing machine, switched on the hoover and got to work.
An enforced spring cleaning with lovely results. The bathroom gleamed. I did find myself at one point precariously balanced on one foot on these steps whilst trying to retrieve some old glass bottles on the tall shelf that were in dire need of some TLC. The floorboards were scrubbed, the paintwork washed and a cupboard repainted. The sun shone and I was pleased with myself, not as pleased as I would have been if I could then go downstairs to have a quick catch up on the computer...
Three days later, with our home visibly shaken by my cleaning assault, our new computer came home. At midnight on Thursday Mr Roses was finally able to reconnect me with the outside world and wow was it bright out there!!! Up until now our old computer screen had been the equivalent of sitting on a beach reading a favourite book, the sun behind the clouds so it was decidedly overcast and with a smear of suntan lotion on your reading glass lenses - not the best view in the world. Photos were dull, dull, dull. Then suddenly with one flick of a switch, our new computer transforms us to very sunny climes, a much brighter place without a trace of greasy suntan lotion in sight. I can't tell you how bright and colourful everything now seems and I'm not just talking about my bathroom shelves ...
lovely photos, lovely vintage bottles.....i think i need the equivalent of your computer malfunction to spur me into a spring clean on my house....
hope you have a sunny sunday xx
I know I would achieve so much if I didn't turn the computer on for a few days! I am glad that you got a chance to catch up on things and now have a colourful new world through your new computer!
Your little cranberry decanter is gorgeous ... had a spring cleaning splurge last weekend and did the insides of the kitchen cupboards .. it had got to the point where I daren't open the door coz everything fell out .. so I used my usual rule of thumb - if it hasn't been used in the last 12 months chuck it out!! Tops of cupboards and wardrobes are next on the list.
I'm glad you have resolved your computer issues! It is sad, but I would be lost without mine. I love the spring-cleaned bottles - great colours.
Cathy X
Such a beautiful day today Kim. I have been in and out, and continuing with the Spring clean, and playing catch up with the blogs on the laptop. So glad you are now back on-line and in touch with the rest of the world, and remember, no eating biscuits whilst at the keyboard! x
I quite often say that my dh should take the keyboard to work with him! Clare
Welcome back Kim, you certainly add that splash of colour to our lives!
Can you pop round to ours next time your computer dies, a big spring clean is needed here!
I would go mad without my PC and I have a feeling that many would be the same! I don't think that we realise how addictive they are until we are without them! x
PS - thank you for your kinds words re my Nan x
I wondered where you had gone!!
I love your photos.
Would you like to come and make my bathroom gleaming ...please!!
Hope your weekend is going well
Oh I know what that's like! I once managed to destroy a laptop by dropping something on it & another time darling Mr C (who is supposed to be an expert in computers - he does have a PhD after all...) managed to lose all my files & pictures while cleaning up my computer. I felt like someone had died & my house was very clean! LOL!
I haven't let him live that one down I can tell you!
Computers are SO frustrating sometimes, aren't they!
How frustrating to have computer problems.
Love the glass bottles.
Gleaming house, bright and shining new of both worlds! Welcome back!
There's an award for you on my blog
April xx
Those are beautiful pictures, just perfect for your new monitor :D
I feel so lost whenever our PC goes down but sometimes I think I coudl do with it to get some cleaning done too!
Mel xxx
It is quite funny really, I have experienced a few poroblems lately with my very old desk top computer. Three hours on the phone to BT and I am all set up now on my long last!
I now have the rotten task of copying to disk everything on the old one to trnasfer to the laptop, yuk! and fit in the housework, I have dust everywhere, driving me mad, it never goes away, no sooner have I cleaned it and the dust is back. Do you share that problem?
I have a pile of books half read, crochet squazres waitng to be sewn together, the lawn needs sorting, I could go on and on here.
I have neglected my visits to blogland too.
I have thought about posting several times then not bothered, then the time for that post passes as something else wants posting, get me?
Never mind, eh! I had a grand day today, took the boys to Tankerton in Nigella the campervans first trip of the year.....she needs a good sort out and clean too! must fit that in tomorrow too.
My head is killing me as I have had the worst cough I have ever had, I have almost blown my head off trying to clear my nose.....
ok I will stop now, and go to bed!
Have a super week from your friend with a sore head.
Carol xxx
I hope you didn't lose too much data from your old computer Kim -- I hate it when that happens. There is a technical term for it, but it involves many swear words, and since this is a family blog....
Glad you are back online, you are right about how much we rely on computers now even when we think we don't:) I just love those glass bottles, such beautiful colours, the Lilas one is especially pretty.
Oh dear M.. I think I will have to desist in sending those biccies down the line to you... look at all the trouble they caused. Maybe sponge cake is less troublesome..?!
It is quite liberating though isn't it to be pooter-less..we find time to do all sorts of things that have been clamouring for attention..and very pretty things in your case..
So glad you are dancing in the ether again.
Gorgeous photos, sorry about your techno glitch but so glad you are back up for us!
oh dear if the computer breaking is what it will take for us to have a tidy house then I hope it never breaks, and we'll just have to live with the mess......
oh i love those bottles :-) i "lost" my laptop last year for a week and it was a very difficult for me ;-)
i know my house would be much much cleaner if i logged off once in a while!
Lesley x
I would be lost without the computer I really would. Still, at least now you know you've got all the housework done, so you can enjoy catching up without any guilt!
Welcome home new computer...LOL! ;o) It is so frustrating being without a computer for even a short period of time. We all have the choice how long we spent at the computer or online, but when there's not even a computer there...well, we go mad, don't we?! tee-hee...So glad you're back. :o) ((HUGS))
I love all the pink on your blog! Your photos are lovely!
We are right in the middle of a "save the info and photos" scramble before our main computer finally bites the dust. Our family room will undergo a slight transformation as a result :)
Gorgeous photos Kim - some serious treasure here. I'm really not sure what I'd do without the computer at the moment - on some days it's an invaluable link to the outside world and a little respite from the world of nappies x
So glad you are back on air, so to speak, & in glorious living colour!!
Lovely colours in your photographs! I think that computers do die, some get murdered and some commit suicide... Their owners and family mourn appropriately. A work colleague spilled sugary coffee on this keyboard once.... slowly throughout the day the keys stuck down as rigour mortis set in and finally it died.... all very sad. Still, at least you've still got all your files, a new computer with bright technicolour displays and clean bathroom shelves. Sounds as if it worked out well in the end.
Love your lavender bags luv!
It is so hard to turn off our computer world to take care of our real one. You just become so used to thinking "Oh, let's pop in and visit England or Norway or America or France." We can go around the world in 80 minutes in 2009. But perhaps the godsend is that you were forced to shut down and start doing your spring cleaning. I am trying to spend a little less time on the computer and more time on my home and hobbies. I completed a charm quilt last week just as I had set my goal. Wow ~ did that feel good! Now you can sit down and visit knowing your house is gleaming.
Hugs ~
oh you make me feel guilty we have been homw for 5 days and my house is a worse tip than when we broke up snd holiday tomorrow so no time for a dust....
I could do with my computer not working tomorrow, I have got so much to do, I need to have more self control.
It was lovely too see the bottle I sent you!
Have a lovely Easter…love Lou xxx
Our computer has been on the blink for a few months now, we bought a new base unit last month's still sat here, on my sewing room floor, sealed in the box. Perhaps this will be a lesson to me, and I'll take the time this weekend to connect it!
Kim xx
I stumbled across your blog purely by chance and i must say its a feast for the eyes! you have such beautiful pictures on here, and lovely write ups, ive spent a good hour or so reading them. Im glad your computer was fixed, its so strange how you feel scarily lost without technology its an addiction really! i hope you dont mind me commenting but i just had to stop by and say how wonderful the little world you have created on here is. Congratulations on such a beautiful blog i will definately be returning.
I am also guilty of being on the computer instead of doing things around the house, like Spring cleaning. Hope you have a nice Easter.
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