I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. We had a lovely time despite the weather. From the minute Mr Roses stopped worked on Wednesday evening until yesterday afternoon, the sun disappeared and went to shine elsewhere and we almost gave up hope of spending any time outdoors at all. However, we crammed in as much as possible in between all the chocolate eating and, well, I was going to show you what we got up to in chronological order and save the best till last, but hey ho, how could I hide these spring-filled photos from you for any longer. We'll come back to grey skies on another day.
So yesterday we decided to go out whatever the weather. In search of blue skies, open spaces and flowers...
Having driven all the way over to Batemans (more on that another post) it felt silly not to take advantage of being only half an hour away from here:
One of my favourite places to visit. The last time we visited Sissinghurst was a few years ago at the end of summer. The garden was beautiful and the place worked its magic ....
This time I must admit to worrying that I would be disappointed at seeing the place again so early in Spring. Having watched the TV series, read the book, worn the T shirt etc I kept my fingers crossed.
Well I was not disappointed. I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, discovering a true Spring wonderland that left me grinning like the cheshire cat for the rest of the day.
Once again we climbed the Tower, taking in Vita's study (what a wonderful, wonderful room) and gazed across the gardens and surrounding land in amazement.
Seen from above,
the gardens were just unbelievably tempting.
Each with its own individual character.
Close up,
in detail they were stunning.
The beauty of the brickwork allowed to shine alongside the climbing plants.
Carpets of flowers
of bulbs
Beauty on a large scale
The famous white garden beginning to bloom
Lovely to read and see that new projects are moving ahead at Sissinghurst too
and we're so looking forward to returning in a couple of months to see the developments.
How could you fail not to be moved and optimistic after seeing all this?
My garden seemed unnaturally small when we came home and the 100 bulbs I planted the other week seemed very few in number but I didn't feel dejected.
The joy that Vita Sackville West and Harold Nicolson shared in their garden is hugely infectious and whilst I know I will never achieve a lot of what I saw, my head is brimming full of colour schemes and planting ideas - just need a white rabbit to take me back there a bit more often.
What a beautiful place, Kim x
I've never been to Sissinghurst but have plans to visit, my friend is a big fan of Virginia Woolf & the Bloomsbury group so it often comes up in conversation along with Charleston. You pics push me even more to visit soon. What did u think of the Sissinghurst programmes on BBC4 out of interest?
I live not far away and have been saving a visit until my garden was in a fit state to plan. Hubby suggested it this weekend but i put it off for another few weeks - how lovely that you have given me a tour. I loved the programme and can't wait to go now. lovely photos xx
Sounds and looks gorgeous; we finally made it to Charleston recently and have Sissinghurst on the list of places to visit this year.
What a wonderful day out and thankyou for sharing it with us. Great photos. I've never been to Sissinghurst either.
Ruth x
Wow Kim -- it's just beautiful! I sure wish we had those beautiful gardens near us!
Many thanks for your warm wishes. Your photographs are stunning! such a breathlessly beautiful tour.
GREAT photos!! You have such beautiful places to visit there. I love the flowers. I love the buildings. I'm going to have to visit one of these days.
Thank you for sharing your lovely day out with us all. What a stunning place - I have 'Sissinghurst: an unfinished history' by Adam Nicolson on request from our library. I will be waiting with even less patience now! Yes, it's just a tad smaller but your own garden looks lovely too.
What a great place to visit
I am so glad you chased that rainbow and found your pot of gold at the other end...
Thank you for bringing Sissinghurst to me... it has been my ambition for several years to visit but maybe this summer I will achieve this pilgrimage..
What an incredibly beautiful place it is. Thank you for sharing all those photos. You can almost smell the scent.
Wow, those are stunning photographs, when I worked for the National Trust I was always told how lovely Sissinghurst is but I never saw it for myself. What a gorgeous day :)
Mel xxx
Such a beautiful place. I have bought the book about Vita since talking to Michele.
I really must visit here soon, springtime is such a lovley time to visit.
We are off camping on Friday to Bodium...maybe we can sneak in a visit then?
Carol x
I visited Sissinghurst once, over ten years ago now and your pictures bring back lovely memories. Such a wonderful inspiring garden. Glad you found some spring sunshine!
I have never visited Sissinghurst. I long to go there!
However, your lovely post has given me a glimpse of that beautiful world..thank you,Kim!
What a beautiful place - I wish it wasn't so far away, as I would love to visit. Your photos are enough to banish the grey clouds any day!!
Willow x
Lovely photos Kim, hope I'll get to visit someday.Glad the weather didn't stop you getting out and about,it could have been worse!
This post brought back many happy memories of our day trip to Sissinghurst last summer...what a beautiful day that was! Seeing your post of it in all the spring glory has been a treat--thank you, Kim! After the long, lovely Easter holiday we are slowly getting back to "normal"--LOL! ((HUGS))
Thanks for the garden pictures. I have never been to Sissinghurst but it looks as though there is a lot to admire and inspire you.
Having just watched the TV series it is a place I would love to visit.
I think we got the sun, although it's gone now. Gorgeous pics of a beautiful place, I'm not surprised you felt like Alice or even the cheshire cat :-)
What a wonderful place to visit.
What a beautiful post Kim, I will add it to my must visit!
I can see me coming back tomorrow to have another look, it all looks so gorgeous.
Beautiful pictures!
Love Lou xxx
How wonderful to be close to Sissinghurst, I've only been once and loved it. One day I shall get there again and a Spring day looks like the right time to go - did you just time the photos well or were there really not many people there? Those blue auriculas are just beautiful and I agree with you about the colour of the bricks, I love those mellow old Elizabethan bricks, so different to the harsh Victorian and modern ones.
Lovely photos :o) I have never been there but would love to go one day.Its so inspirational going to lovely gardens isnt it,hope the white rabbit turns up soon with a picnic basket & ticket for a day off!
GTM x x x
Hi Kim,
What a beautiful place, the gardens are just wonderful.
Cheers Linda
I can't believe how good it looks even when things are only just coming into bloom. I really enjoyed the TV series and am looking forward to a visit this year. I must get to Batemans too!
Thank you for sharing you lovely day with us - it's sounds and looks so wonderful. I have recently come across your post, and have just finished reading through all your past enteries. It feels like the satisfying feeling of coming to the end of a really good book - but even better, as there will be more posts to come! :D
Lovely place, lovely pictures!!!
Thank you for the wonderful pictures of Sissinghurst. It's one of those places I've still yet to visit. I did watch the tv series, although I was quite disappointed with Sarah Raven. I love her books on gardening and cookery but didn't take to her as she was portrayed on tv.
Oh how lovely. I would just LOVE to go to Sissinghurst. Lucky you!
Oh it looks lovely Kim. I haven't been to Sissinghurst, but by the wonders of modern technology, I managed to view one of the episodes of the programme recently. I hope to catch up with more episodes soon.
Thank you for sharing your visit.
Marie x
What a great day out, and the sun even shined for you. I've always wanted to go to Sissinghurst and you've made me even more determined to get there one day soon.
Cathy XX
What a fantastic weekend! I used to live in Kent and remember visiting Sissinghurst. I loved the white gardens! Your photos are really good! It's been lovely seeing the gardens again through your photos.
Have a good weekend
Isabelle x
Yet again Kim, its some where I haven't been. We are going to have to go together, you know all the best places!
Stinking cold happening here! Not much fun :-(
What a gorgeous floral extravaganza...there's nothing quite like an inspiring garden, and I personally love them even more when the weather is, at least, damp...you can almost see and feel things growing.
Am glad I've found your blog!
x 5ft inf
What a wonderful tour. I so enjoyed it. I'm coming back to visit when I have more time!
Beautiful photos Kim,thanks for sharing!
Rachel x
I really enjoyed this tour of Sissinghurst Kim. I would love to visit someday. I felt just like you did after visiting Great Dixter. x
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