Just a quick post as time at the computer seems to be very short at the moment - we're just off to buy a new paddling pool. A WIP for you to see - a chance for you to have a sneaky peek at my unfinished pompoms !! I was making these last night and fell in love with the colours, ice cream and summer rolled into one. They're part of an order (including those pesky teacosies) hopefully all will be completed next week and sent off - holidays, children and time permitting. Will reveal them in their completed state if and when it happens!
Enjoy the colours.
PS - Paddling pool bought- 2 hours later, paddling pool semi-inflated. 2 trips to shop - foot pump faulty and leaky. Reutrn to shop and electric pump bought , but valve does not fit paddling pool. Return home resorting to use old holey foot pump - 1 hour of foot action, return of sciatica, frayed nerves but pool semi-inflated. Agree to use pool in it's half inflated state. Fill with hose, hose leaking! Hold hose tightly to tap - still leaks. Corner of pool filled, kettle boiled. Absolutely exhausted - one happy child!
lovely summery colours to go with the nice weather we are having. Sarah x
They are tuely lovely colours Kim. How do you get such lovely colours and what type of material do you use?
Take care,
Alison x
Paddling pool - a sure sign summer is here!
They look like they are going to be beautiful - the colours work so well together.
Oh, such yummy colors! Can't wait to see more! Pool...summer must be returning at last...Enjoy! Happy weekend to you all! ((HUGS))
Oh sounds like a headache inducing nightmare!! Love your pom-poms though, they are so pretty!!
those pom poms look lovely. just discovered your blog! :)
I know we shouldn't laugh.....but you describe it so perfectly, and isn't that what always happens when you get the paddling pool out?! Sciatica, you have my sympathy, I get it every now and then, makes you feel like 100 years old. Ask DH to give you a rub down, healing hands and all that.
Gill x
You need to go sit out in the little pool and have a rest! Very pretty colors.
Yummy colours - we love pompoms here, but usually with old woolly odds & ends. Well done on persevering with the paddling pool - I'm afraid mine have had to make do with an old washing up bowl as our paddling pool is in a truly disgusting state. Must gert another one ...
Love those pom poms!
Let's hope you manage to overcome all your paddling pool problems!
Hi Kim
Great wip pom-poms!
Had to laugh at your escapade with the paddling pool - why is when we buy anything these days we nearly always have to take it back to be exchanged or to get the bit that was missing etc?!
Have a lovely weekend - sun's out!
Clare x
Sweet pompoms! Thank you for your dear note on my blog. =)
We have a 24" deep inflatable pool for the little ones... a squirrel bit a hole into the inflatable part which I haven't located yet, so it's in the car and off to the beach we go instead. lol
Poor you! Sciatica is painful! But, you made a child happy! LOL
I'm off to treasure hunt. The hubby seems to be better this morning as he wants to go with me.
What a beautiful colorway...cannot wait to see them finished!
All that effort is worth it for the smiles at the end of the day! I love your pom poms!
Life was so much easier when we had a tin bath out in the garden in the middle of summer! Poor you! I suddenly feel ancient - no paddling pools in my childhood! I have to add that the tin bath was actually white enamelled inside with pink on the outside and had been my baby bath!!
What lovely colours and we could sure use a paddling pool here today just to keep cool!
Hi Kim
I was telling mum your paddling pool story, and she reminded me that she used to fill a watering can and pour that over me!!!!!! She did the same when she used to look after Hannah. Oh the simple pleasures of life!!
Hi Kim
What can I say other than 'oh dear'!!!! Perhaps it'll rain next weekend and you won't have to bother again!!
Sue xx
Why is it always so hard to get those things set up and full of water?
Love those ice cream colors!
Kim, I hope the paddling ppol stayed inflated for today's hot weather.
Hope you don't mind but I've tagged you. The idea is you write 8 random facts about yourself and then "Tag" 8 others to do the same. No worries if you don't want to take part, although it's a nice way to get to know other bloggers.
Ah, the joys of parenthood. Hope the weather remains good long enough for it to be worth while. Here in Edinburgh, it's been rather damp today - naturally, just in time for the Festival to start....
Me again-just had to tell you how much your 'typing quietly' comment made me laugh!! xx
I've nominated you for the Nice Matters Award - take a look at my blog for details.
Take care,
Alison x
Even unfinished these pom poms look gorgeous!
Stunning and beautiful colours !!
My daughter has made loads of pom poms this summer, woollen ones though.
We haven't used the pool this summer hols, although Gwenny did insist that we filled it for her in May, she must have been freezing !
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